Workforce Management

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HRM is Concerned with How Organisations Manage their Workforce

HRM is Concerned with How Organisations Manage their Workforce


There are various roles of Human Resource Management which are critical to the success of the organization. One of those roles is the management of the workforce. There are many reasons due to which Human Resource Management is critical towards the success of an organization and for meeting its goals and objectives. First of all, it is important to understand the concept of Human Resource Management. Human Resource Management is developed to assist companies in meeting the needs of their employees and to promote the goals of the company. The discipline of Human resource management is concerned with all the issues of a business that influence matters regarding employees, hiring and firing, remuneration, compensation and benefits, training, and administration.

The role of Human Resource Department of any company is to offer work incentives, information regarding safety procedures and sick or vacation leaves. The basic concept of Human Resource management is the proper management of people. It necessitates planning ahead for the betterment of the company also tries to meet the needs of employees in the best possible way. This certainly changes the way activities are performed at a business site which no doubt bring lots of improvement in the selection of employees and the training programs for the proper assessment of techniques and discipline.


High-quality and efficient human resource management is an essential part of any organization or company. The effective development of this component depends on the result of the whole organization. The manager should be able to manage human resources, which includes motivating staff to achieve their targets and contribute in the organizational productivity. It all depends on the competence of the human resource management (Walker 1998, pp. 154).

Human resource management is concerned with the challenging task to put clear goals for the performers, identify and use the theme that will help achieve these goal subordinates, and accordingly to encourage the employee for that purpose to achieve their targets efficiently and professionally (Jackson 2007, pp. 727). There are many methods and ways to make human resource management more efficient and effective.

Management of Workforce

HRM is concerned with how organizations manage their workforce. The process of managing workforce involves all active members of the company to understand general management and control tasks. It is essential for an organization to establish effective management systems, to understand and manage the implementation of measures aimed at the achievement of an undertaking or business profitability, and taking people as active resources of the organizations. Therefore, human resource management is a set of activities put in place, which develops and mobilizes people an organization needs to achieve its goals. Furthermore, in order to manage workforce, organizations need to have clear personnel policies, and coordinate social functions considering the goals of the organization. However, an organization also needs methods to obtain, retain and develop these resources. This is where the function of HRM becomes significant for organizations to manage its ...
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