Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management


There are various roles of Human Resource Management which are critical to the success of the organization. One of those roles is the management of the workforce. There are many reasons due to which Human Resource Management is critical towards the success of an organization and for meeting its goals and objectives. First of all, it is important to understand the concept of Human Resource Management. Human Resource Management is developed to assist companies in meeting the needs of their employees and to promote the goals of the company. The discipline of Human resource management is concerned with all the issues of a business that influence matters regarding employees, hiring and firing, remuneration, compensation and benefits, training, and administration.


Performance Management to Facilitate Workforce Management

Brown, A., & Kelly, S. (2006), “A practical guide to developing an effective measurement program: Linking employee research to business performance”, Strategic Communication Management. pp. 22-25.

In this article, the author discusses the topic of performance management to facilitate Workforce Management. The principal resource of any organization is people and managing workforce is the most important aspect of an organization. What we call human resource management today, dates back to 1800 B.C., which is evident from the inscriptions of Babylonian code of Hammurabi and Kautilya's Arthasashtra, which explains in detail the importance of selection, incentives, performance evaluation, quality of a manager and wage rates. Therefore, we understand that the concept of managing people has existed even in the previous eras through ancient literature and philosophy. India, China, and Greece have been the origin points of human resource management concepts. Up until, 1930's, there was no such department called "personnel management" that was considered necessary to cater to the needs and welfare of the labor society.

Management must ensure that all results across the organization continue to be aligned to the overall organizational objectives. This enables long-term survival and sustained profitability. Performance in organizations is not limited to the effectiveness of employees; performance management can also be applied to departments, processes, programs, products or services, and teams or groups. It is right to assume that performance management of every aspect of the business is heavily dependent on the human capital responsible for them. For optimum performance management, managers and employees must keep the end results in mind, and such results must be in total alignment with business objectives. This is easier say than done, due to the absence of practical and effective tools.

Caligiuri, P. (2008), “Multinational corporation management strategies and international HR practices: Bring IHRM to the bottom line”, International Journal of HRM. pp. 494-507.

According to the author,a daily goal-orientated tool that offers employees and management a platform to communicate company strategies and objectives on a daily basis would be greatly welcomed by the business community, where employees and managers set their targets for the year and break them down into monthly objectives. Users can then set daily and weekly incremental actions that are required to deliver results. Such a tool makes it easy to ...
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