Why Students Need To Do Part-Time

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Why Students Need To Do Part-Time

Why Students Need To Do Part-Time


Part-time job is a formalized work arrangement where an employee works fewer hours than what an employer judges to be customary for a full-time employee. For legal and comparative purposes, the U.S. Department of Labor defines part-time employees as those working 1-34 hours during a typical work week and full-time employees as those working 35 or more hours during a typical work week. In 2004, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that part-time job status was held by about 17 percent of the U.S. labor force (Gakovic and Tetrick, 2003). This percentage is likely to increase and is particularly strong in the service and retail job sectors. In addition, universities report that increasing numbers of their students now hold part-time positions while attending school. This paper discusses why student need to do part time job.

Literature Review

Part-time work is also evident in many other countries, although the number of hours used to define part-time status is variable. European countries demonstrate a part-time job rate of around 16%, comparable to the U.S. rate, but it has increased more rapidly as some nations have encouraged part-time work as a means of alleviating unjob.

Part-time work is one of many new “nonstandard” forms of job relationships. The conditions under which employees and employers agree to partner are no longer characterized by time and location or by implications regarding job security or advancement. Accordingly, new models of human resource staffing and individual employee career development are evolving, and these models entail part-time job (Gakovic and Tetrick, 2003).

Motives for part-time job from an employer's point of view include insufficient justification for hiring full-time employees because of seasonal variation in demand (peak workload time frames such as harvest or holidays), needs for employee staffing (coverage) that are shorter than customary job periods (i.e., less than eight hours), and insufficient demand for employee skills to justify full-time job. Employers usually further benefit from such arrangements by paying lower wages and by not having to provide employee benefits available to full-time employees. In addition, employers may benefit by securing a trial job of a potential full-time employee. In short, employers accrue higher levels of staffing flexibility and lower human resource costs when employing part-time employees.

As a teenager, looking for your first part time job can seem like a daunting task. Let's face it, finding a job is hard to begin with. But when you haven't had any experience in a workplace, have never been through an interview, and don't know where to start in writing a resume, the task can seem impossible. Of course, your parents are probably no help; "it's simple", they say, "just go ask Joe at the corner market for a job; he'll give you one!" So, how do you go about getting your first job?

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The most important steps in going to get your first job take place before you even head out the front ...
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