Managing Time While Writing An Essay

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Managing Time While Writing an Essay

Managing Time While Writing an Essay


Essay writing is not a simple process, so it is more useful to plan it in advance, especially when research is required. Starting early helps avoid unforeseen problems like the absence of necessary literature in the library or the extension of delivery term (if the writer purchases a book). It is also useful to divide the process into several days, as interesting ideas need to "mature", i.e. the writer should have two or three days in their time budget and do daily brainstorming. Ideas steep better into the writer's mind if the writer has time to consider all aspects and reflect upon them (Kanigel, 1997). This paper discusses time management in writing essay in a concise and comprehensive way.

Managing Time While Writing an Essay

There is a set of purely physical conditions, needed for essay writing. First and foremost, all distracting factors should be removed, as the writer needs silence, appropriate lighting and more or less convenient "workplace", which is not cluttered with useless things like coffee cups or discs. Secondly, the writer needs some personal space, a separate room is desirable (Kanigel, 1997). Finally, the writer should learn more about themselves and find out which physical state or position improves the process of thinking. Some people generate better ideas when walking, others - when sitting or listening to their favorite music. John Milton, for instance, created his poems after sinking his feet into hot water, so it is up to the writer to decide on the stimulation of the cognitive processes.

Time management is a lifesaver for college students. Today with full course loads, part time jobs and numerous other commitments students often find themselves with little time for studying and recreation (Koch and Kleinmann, 2002). Students who choose to plan his or her day by properly managing time will benefit greatly. One of the many steps to make time management effective is to develop a time strategy. The time strategy should be based on a short list of time priorities. This short list of time priorities forms the basis for a student's time planning for every week of the year. Good time management for a student requires three points. The first of the three points that a student should keep in his or her mind is not taking on more than he or she can handle. If a student has scheduled to many classes to take in one semester then the workload can be overwhelming. Next a student should reasonably estimate the time required to perform each of the tasks at hand.

If A student does not find out how long each tacks is going to take then he or she will be running behind in time and will not be able to perform all the tacks that are require for that day. And finally he or she needs to actually do what needs to be done. If a student is not a head of schedule, ...
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