The effects on having two jobs and being a student
Nowadays, the occurrence that middle school students take part-time (odd) jobs becomes a vogue topic. To begin with, middle school students through doing odd jobs earn some money, lighten parents' financial burden, become economically independent to a certain extent, and buy some useful school supplies and references. Secondly, doing odd jobs cultivates their cooperative spirit and the sense of responsibilities, enriches their social experience beyond the scale of school and books, at the same time, it broadens their horizons ( So, it supplies more valuable opportunities, competitive advantages, and powerful basic before they enter complicated society. The last one but not the least one is that students experience life and know the deep meaning of the saying-no pains, no gains. From the experience on, money will not burn a hole in their pocket, besides, students will even more honor their parents than ever before (
Students in college don't have the idea in what they really want to do in the future or in their lives they get tired in deciding if they should really work for the fun of it or simply work because they feel like they need to make themselves useful. If they have more than four classes that is considered a full scholar and won't be adept to handle too much pressure. If they have three or two categories perhaps they have expanded hours in that they can use to work. Students at an early age maybe shouldn't be employed to pay for school when they have their parents to blame for them but yea if they desire to have extra money for their own costs perhaps they should work the minimum hours as possible. If the student enrolled in a college, university, or simply high school thin ...