The emerging network infrastructure technology has brought us a new era, and now students can take online courses, these courses will also be assessed by a simple way, one can not even think it through before. Most of the actual classroom experience, has been completed to capture live lectures from teachers and students in real time between two remote sites (interactive scenario [Anderson et al., 2003] and [Stone and so on., 2003]). However, a more simple mode of learning demand lectures ([Gregory, 1999], [Lin and Xie, 2001] and [Muller and Altman, 2000]) remains the most common, almost every school (for example, online course ), since the use of students sufficient time to review the online material, without any restriction and there is no trouble such teachers can reuse / modify the material for other purposes several times.
However, if there is no support for the talks on-demand interactive multimedia e-learning system and still use static HTML as a teaching tool, the network can only be treated like dumb talk page, thus limiting the user's learning. The advantage of employing multimedia in education is to transmit information quickly and effectively to all interested students and allow them to learn (Zimmer, 2003).
students who are in abroad and their language mother tongue is not Urdu, most of them are interested in learning this new language and they some difficulty in it especially in their in the first year of learning this language. In order to overcome the language barrier, Urdu, I am going to enhance the development of Web-based Synchronized Multimedia Lecture (WSML) (Chen, Chen, and Hong Kong, 1999) framework to build Web-based classroom Urdu project development success.
The project has been launched a few years ago with the construction of a more consistent, flexible and effective Web-based teaching and learning environment, coupled with aim to focus on learning a language-specific area: Urdu as a Second Language (USL) for this project, in this research paper I am going to use the so-called computer-assisted language learning (CALL). The history of Called computer-assisted language learning (CALL) can be divided into three important stages.
The three stages
• (70 to 80 late early),
• (20 century to the late 80s early 90s)
• Integrated call (since the late 90's) (Warschauer, 1996)
Today's multi-media computer and the Internet have brought us new technologies and from the language learning point of view it can be said that it has helped users to learn different skills like (eg, listening, speaking, reading and writing).
Technologies such as pictures, audio, animation or multimedia, usually can be used as an aid to provide more information or knowledge to stimulate student interest in learning.
For example, you can use here, the voice is the most natural means of communication the value of attention and guidance, learning content in the whole tone.
Theses technologies are very different from static text or picture messages. In addition, the dynamic display (including animation) is a helpful way to help user learn new language easily ...