The tool web 2.0 is a qualitative leap in the field of web technology, which has made the internet a lot more ingenious, socialized, and participated. Quality education depends on a high-quality pedagogical practice. The information technologies which are currently available today in the field of learning enable the instructors to adopt new set of approaches of teaching and learning. Almost, seventy percent of universities and colleges inside the United States of America offer web courses using applications such as; Blackboard, and Webct. The Web 2.0 technology along with other multimedia technologies offers the instructors an opportunity to rewrite and reconsider the instructional content. It is information technology which enables the teachers to reach institutions and deliver their curriculum as they have never before. Information technology, especially the tools such Web 2.0 has hugely increased the efficiency of the dissemination of information, which the instructors should consider certain pedagogical strategies, intellectual domains, instructing modes, learning styles, and creativity, while the development of such network based learning tools. In this paper we will present a very simple web based learning aid. The main purpose of this prototype is to help the instructors to develop a learner based environment for improving the effectiveness of learning (Mason & Rennie, 2008).
Design Methodology
In this paper we have used and designed a simple and authentic learning aid which incorporates the web technologies for efficient learning through set of pedagogical strategies. In our web based class, all the learning appears on the window of a web browser, and then it is displayed on to a large projection screen. Under normal circumstances the instructional material occupies the entire window of the browser. Whereas, the learning aid developed by us divides the window of the single browser in to four sections which consists of two small frames and two large frames. A pictorial representation of our system could be seen in the figure below.
In our web based prototype, the one large frame displays the main material of the lesson, whereas, the other large frame presents all the supplemental equipment along with that it also performs many other online demonstrations. The lesson frame has a very small companion menu which is located on the menu frame which contains the link for various topics and lesson, and the demonstration frame also consists of a similar menu frame which contains the links to an extensive amount of demonstrations and examples for the learners. All these four frames remain concurrent during the entire learning procedure. This four cell grid provides an environment of learning by example. This cell grid system can be used for an extensive amount of courses in various disciplines and numerous educational settings. In an application lesson, major topics are covered is the menu of the lesson, in the demonstration supporting material are listed. A detailed set of concepts and contents are introduced in the lesson frame while structured procedures in the demonstration frame. In this paper we used a specific ...