Showcase conceptual model presents data about the work has been created. Such as a homepage, showcase conceptual model provides access for users to organize their pages and determine access to view the pages. Although, showcase portfolio looks like personal web page, but indeed it is much more than it (Drury 2006). Showcase conceptual model demonstrates career development of a person. Through showcase conceptual model, people can see the extended someone's career that can be fruitful for self-reflection (Wang 2009). Showcase conceptual model helps to determine the career goals and students' learning activities that are done in outside of the classroom.
The prototype system is created research phases: In the first phase, the initial instrument was created. The survey instrument was developed to measure variables associated with computer self-efficacy, task characteristics and technology characteristics. This instrument was largely based on prior studies by researchers such as that of. In the second phase it was distributed to subject experts, mainly staff members in the university who are in the ICT domain to check the survey's content validity and item clarity and conciseness (Lee & Kim 2008).
The third phase involved pre-testing the revised instrument with a few students. In the fourth phase, the measures were evaluated for internal consistency. The sixth phase involved the identification of the contents of the prototype and the design of the prototype based on the result of the analysis. While the seventh phase involved the development of the prototype using HTML based on the design (Barker 2006). The eight phases involved the evaluation of the prototype with final year students who volunteered in a laboratory environment. In the ninth phase, the measures of the evaluation data were evaluated for construct validity through exploratory factor analysis (using principal component analysis) and for internal consistency. At the tenth phase, after verifying validity of the constructs and measurements, the data analyses were conducted using percentage frequency analysis to access research proposition for the design aspect (Lee & Kim 2008).
Create Scenario 1 (Computer)
What faculty needs is how to combine what university's need to find employee with students' need to apply their vacancy, and it is as a positive point for students that faculty can know their capability the companies are looking for. Conceptual model will be internet technology based systems because of anywhere accessing capability. Slightly different with the web based learning portfolio (WBLP) that described by ...