Computer Interface In Healthcare Significance is going to be discussed here. An e-learning program can be a cost-effective alternative to classroom training, but it also can be a huge waste of time and money if it's not implemented correctly. Firstly let me introduce some definitions of E-learning: The component of distributed learning that includes digital content, is experienced through a technology interface, and is Internet-enabled. Collaboration is a desirable feature but not a requirement. e-marketplace (electronic marketplace) A Web site that enables buyers to select from many suppliers. E-marketplaces - which focus on putting the buyer in control - are buying environments that aggregate supplier content and provide decision support tools that enable a buyer to make the most informed decision.( Anderson, 2001)
Education via the Internet, network, or stand alone computer. Network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. E-learning refers to using electronic applications and processes to learn. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. Content is delivered via the Internet, intranet/extranet, audio or video tape, satellite TV, and CD-ROM.
Broad definition of the field of using technology to deliver learning and training programs. Typically used to describe media such as CD-ROM, Internet, Intranet, wireless and mobile learning. Some include Knowledge Management as a form of e-learning. Took awhile for the right term to come about, circa 1995 it was all called "Internet based Training", then "Web-based Training" (to clarify that delivery could be on the Inter- or Intra-net), then "Online Learning" and finally e-learning, adopting the in vogue use of "e-" during the dot com boom. The "e-" breakthrough enabled the industry to reaise hundreds of millions from venture capitalists who would invest in any industry that started with this magic letter.
E-learning most often means an approach to facilitate and enhance learning by means of PCs, CD-ROMs and the Internet. This includes e-mail, discussion forums and collaborative software. Advantages are seen in that just-in-time learning is possible, courses can be tailored to specific needs and asynchronous learning is possible. E-learning may also be used to support distance learning through the use of WANs (Wide Area Network), and may also be considered to be a form of flexible learning. Often, but not always, e-learning will also attempt to be a student-centered learning solution. Some view e-learning as a means to effective or efficient learning, due to its ease of access and the pace being determined by the learner, but to date little research has reinforced this.
The term e-learning is not very precise, and it should be pointed out that learning is just one element of education. So, the term online education should cover a much broader range of services than the term e-learning. One may also claim that e-learning companies often focus on course content, while online education institutions cover the whole range of educational services.( Anderson,2001)
On the practical side some e-learning is about organizing the topics to be taught and creating ...