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The whole society tends to emerge from their bondage, and the explosion of crime, corruption, drugs and violence are an inevitable prelude. It is in the city, says Maitreya which, manifest concentration of crimes, where there is the problem of drug addiction, where the highest incidents of rape, murder and other crimes (Zafarroni 2003 pp. 85). This ferment of violence brings out the negativity, and neither the police nor the military exercises will be able to control this explosion of crime. According to Maitreya, crime and violence, like any other problem, require a proper analysis of the causes. Violence cannot be understood as merely an interpersonal exchange or set of behaviours. Domestic violence is not a simple problem and, therefore, we cannot expect to find easy resolutions.


Theories about the causal factors of crime taken into account various aspects that now examined individually placed in relation to hours; offer a significant framework within which to place the initial application. In this sense, some theories have focused their attention on biological factors (Tullio 2000, pp. 20). Others have concentrated mainly on individual characteristics and, finally others have tried to offer an interpretation of the problem. Below are listed the various approaches, highlighting the potential and limits. Now abandoned that theory has found little evidence, explained the crime as the consequence of a significant gene present in some people who have inherited since the era of primitive generations. These men are often also recognizable as the shape of primitive men.

In the model of body habits, Sheldon argued that there are three types of physical persons:

Endomorph (large, sociable ...);

Mesomorph (strong, well muscled, active, restless ...);

Ectomorp (thin, fragile, delicate, introverted, nervous ...).

Mesomorphic individuals would be those most likely to be criminals.

An innovation of this theory is the chromosome component: individuals biologically predisposed to criminal acts, have the XYY syndrome. Or a chromosome that inherited more from his father.

Theories of Preparation

These theories seek the causes of crime in the person of a biological abnormality. These include the theory of preparation, which detects the presence of factors facilitating the choice delinquent.

Relationship between crime and inheritance: hereditary disposition to talk of crime is very risky. The research directed mainly towards, the study of identical twins separated at birth in different environments, and crime families. Regarding the first research has resulted in no indication in this survey (Tiegui 2006, pp.41), the separated twins had similar behaviours. As for the second survey observed that indeed the number of criminals is statistically higher than that of those in whose families there were criminals, but this can be attributed to the fact that both the family that the subjects themselves probably exposed to common environmental factors unfavourable.

Relationship between crime and chromosomal abnormalities: Some researchers have found evidence of criminal subjects of a Y chromosome in more than normal. These parties thus have 47 chromosomes instead of the normal 46 and found to have significant characteristics: they are taller than average, below average IQ and violent ...
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