Transform Hrm Into A Strategic, Value-Added Function In The Organization

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Transform HRM into A Strategic, Value-Added Function in the Organization

Transform HRM into A Strategic, Value-Added Function in the Organization


Being strategic - means to coordinate tasks and HR initiatives with organisational objectives and strategy. The most important task of HR is to contribute to the organisation and its goals by increasing staff productivity. Role assigned to the traditional HR-department includes the pursuit of organisational objectives and operational issues. The strategic role requires that HR is proactive and focused on the future, contributing to the formation of business strategy of the organisation and the creation of plans and programs for workforce development in line with this strategy (Kiessling, 2005).

Indeed, more than two decades of research has accumulated a vast body of knowledge which suggests that HRM practices that impact the motivation, knowledge, skills, and behaviours of employees lead to better employee, organisational, and financial outcomes.

To develop strategic HRM plan the HR professionals must:

Understand the business

Constantly improve and learn the latest trends and practices in HR

Confidently know the basic principles of HR

Manage organisational culture

Forge trusting relationships between departments in the organisation.

HR professionals must understand the conditions of internal and external environment in which the organisation operates (Mossholder, 2011). Realizing the importance of these terms and conditions for HR professionals can make the HR-solutions to promote business development. Consequently, HR is becoming a strategic partner in business.

Receipt and interpretation of company accounts can be a good start. Further, HR professionals must learn market conditions, conditions of production of goods, the competitive environment, customer interaction, the conditions of research and development, management, etc.

The HR managers have enthusiastic function in the productive designing and implementation of the principles and conclusions that in melody with the enterprise changes. Strategic HR managers require a change in their expectation from glimpsing themselves as connection managers to strategic asset managers (Stroh, 1998). A vital facet in relative to HRM is the notions of fit and flexibility. The stage of fit works out the human asset system's integration with association strategy. It is the function of HR Managers to double-check this fit in between Human Resource System with the Multi-national Corporation Strategy.

It has become mandatory for all the organizations these days to involve Human Resource Management in the initial stages of development and implementing the firm's strategic plan rather than conveying them afterwards when it has been prepared. Any organization would need to develop a Strategic Management Process that includes:

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