The purpose of this paper is to examine HRM practices in Qatar in view of fundamental Islamic or Shura, political plus economic factors. The paper is explained in three major parts. The first part contracts with HRM concept and Qatar shura context. The second part represents Q methodology. The paper presents a suitable approach in measuring HRM variations. Given some commonalities among Qatar and other developing countries, the findings may be of latent interest in comparative studies dealing through management transferability. This is possibly not astonishing granted that these practices are engaged in organising workers for a future in the organization. Organizations that take an hardworking function in assisting workers to arrange themselves for advancement in the association, and do so in a way that conceives a insight of support, might foster a more powerful bond to the association amidst workers than those that do not. This study has a number of significant implications. The outcomes show that all nine workforce characteristics were significant for both kinds of firms. However, these characteristics were more critical in little companies than large firms. To evolve a workforce with these characteristics, little companies will have to make additional efforts to employ and choose employees. Existing workers who need these needed abilities will have to be trained. In supplement, reimbursement principles of little companies will have to strengthen the significance of the needed skills.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction5
1.1 Background of the Study5
1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Study7
1.3 Research Question and Framework8
Chapter 2: Literature Review10
2.1 Human Resource Management12
2.2 Human Resource Management in the Islamic Context13
2.3 The Concept of Human Development15
2.4 The Contemporary Muslim World19
2.5 Qatar Explanation22
Islamic spirit29
2.6 Islamic View33
2.7 Concluding Remarks36
Chapter 3: Methodology40
3.1 Research Method40
Chapter 4: Resources Required45
Chapter 5: Action and Contingency Plan46
5.2 Contingency plans46
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Sparrow Hiltrop (2007 201) says that over the past decade or so, scholars' interest in understanding Islam and its relation to various management practices has increased significantly. The growing interest to understand the role Islamic religion, culture and values play in business management practices has spawned research investigating Islam and business ethics, (Budhwar 2001 515) Islamic banking and Islamic leadership styles. To date, however, very limited research has been published on Islam and HRM practices.
What has been published so far focuses on normative aspects of Islamic management with little emphasis on practice. Understanding the role Islam plays at the work place is of significant importance for both scholars and HR practitioners. Islamic religion is a source of guidance for Muslim managers and a major driving force in the workplace in many Islamic countries and transnational Islamic organizations throughout the world. However, our knowledge of the role Islam plays in shaping HR practices is still in its infancy.
A good HRM program will recruit, select, motivate, and retain employees who have the required workforce characteristics. A majority of the published research investigating HRM issues in small businesses is conceptual and has concentrated on ...