Training And Development

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Training and Development

Training and Development

The training development phase is where we create the training materials for your project. We develop the course activities? trainer resources? and support materials. For a traditional instructor-led project? this may include participant and trainer manuals? projection slides? and job aids. During the training development phase? Intulogy produces training materials with two key characteristics: the training materials must be effective and they must be replicable.

Effective learning produces a measurable change in a person's knowledge? skills? or attitudes. During the training development phase? our developers create activities that will allow the participant to successfully accomplish the learning objectives. Therefore? when developing training materials? our priorities are to:

Create an effective learning environment

Make the learning steps clear for participants

Develop activities and exercises that help the participant master the material

Emphasize critical learning objectives

Maximize learning opportunities for participants

Each learning activity is designed to take advantage of the strengths of the learning format and learning media. Replicable training produces consistently successful results. Employees learn the required material and attain the learning objectives.

Whether the training program requires multiple trainers to implement a company-wide rollout? or whether the training program will be used as-needed to train new hires? the training department would want to make sure that the program meets your needs each time that it is run.

During the development process? the trainer will present drafts to your project leaders and subject matter experts. We will ask employees to review and comment on the materials. If employees wish? we can perform a full table-top review with the team.

Once the materials have been developed? we recommend running a pilot of the program. This pilot will allow us to test the materials in a live training environment. Ideally? the pilot audience will contain representatives of the project team? subject matter experts? and target audience. As part of the pilot? we would collect responses from the participants? allowing us to fine-tune the materials.

These recommendations apply essentially to traditional work-related training - for the transfer of necessary job- or work-related skills or knowledge.

These recommendations do not apply automatically to other forms of enabling personal development and facilitating learning? which by their nature involve much wider and various development methods and experiences.

When planning training think about:

your objectives - keep them in mind all the time

how many people you are training

the methods and format you will use

when and how long the training lasts

where it happens

how you will measure its effectiveness

how you will measure the trainees' reaction to it

When you you give skills training to someone use this simple five-step approach:

prepare the trainee - take care to relax them as lots of people find learning new things stressful

explain the job/task? skill? project? etc - discuss the method and why; explain standards and why; explain necessary tools? equipment or systems

provide a demonstration - step-by-step - the more complex? the more steps - people cannot absorb a whole complicated task all in one go - break it down - always show the correct way - accentuate the positive - ...
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