Training And Development

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Training and Development in the Retail Business

Training and Development in the Retail Business


Education and training are an essential part of any company, if the potential benefit of the people and should be used and are grown. Many studies have demonstrated a clear link between good design and strategic initiatives of education and training and the bottom line shown in the business. Improve the development of personalized learning tasks related to job requirements and reflects current and future information of past performance evaluation (Parker, 2009). This information can be achieved in particular by assessing the needs of individual students and can help design learning activities, the essential skills and content areas to help meet future needs The field of training and development has changed significantly during the past several years, reflecting both its role and importance in achieving higher employee performance and meeting organizational goals. Today, this field has become more important because employees need to learn new skills, advance their knowledge, and meet the challenges of technology in achieving high performance (Pinto, 2009).

Problem Statement

The literature clearly indicates the need for cooperative efforts between retail organizations and formal educational institutions. Unfortunately, this does not happen often, but ideally, managers should prepare their employees for training programs by talking with them about how the program relates to the employees' jobs.

Literature Review

Training and Development

Training and development forms the vital element of an organization. Every organization conducts effective training programs in order to fulfill the learning needs of its employees and keep itself updated for coping up with the increasing modernization and developments occurring in the global markets. Then, the expression, Human Resource Development was disapproved by academicians, who had a strong objection to the idea of considering people as resources, this was a thought that they felt that the term apparently seemed to be humiliating to the individual.

Finally, Learning and Development was the term which the CIPD decided upon ", though, that was not without problems and hype too, with the term learning being an ambiguous name. Retailing has traditionally been an industry that relied more upon the quality and price to insure success than upon the skills of retail store employees. Retailers treat their store employees as low skill laborers. Most retailers regard store jobs as entry-level positions that require minimum skills and training. Retail managers accept high turnover as a necessary part of doing business. Specialty retailers offer well-trained customer contact employees (salespeople) as another service to customers. Retailers train these employees in customer contact skills and selling skills (Palmer, 2009).

They also train employees in the uses and applications of the product in which the retailer specializes. Specialty the store customer, contact employee not only sells products, but also provides advice on projects utilizing those products. The employees are well versed in all the specialized services the store offers. Customer contact employees focus on totally serving their customers' needs. In order for retailers to pay these highly skilled customer contact employees, they also need skilled, efficient employees in ...
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