Training And Development

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Assessing the adequacy of Training and Development Strategy of HM Custom & Excise within Employees Perspective

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction5


Aims of the Study6

Chapter 2: Literature review8

Definition and origins of training8

Complexity of T&D11

New conditions and its impact on the organisations' approach to training and development13

Training and development and psychological contract16

Modelling Training and Development17

Enablers of Training and Development18

Long-Term HRD Policies19

Managerial Attitude20



Individual and organizational benefits22

Public Organizations and Training25

Vocational Education and Training26

Adequacy of training and development approach27

Planning training activities27

Individuals' Involvement28

Team Training and Development29

Competence-Based Training29

Chapter 3: Methodology31

Philosophical stance31

Research approach35

Research strategy37

Data collection38

Primary Data Collection40


Sampling Strategy41


Questions for interviews43

The selection of participants and the process of interviewing44

Data Analysis45

Limitations of the Chosen Research Design and Methodology46

Ethical Issues of the Data Collection46

Analysis of Questionnaires46

General information47

The organization provides in-house training for its employees47

Human resource managers take active role in delivering training schemes48

My job responsibilities are clear for me49

I do understand what my supervisor wants me to do50

My company treats training as strategic issue51

I prefer to do things that I can do well rather than things that I do poorly51

I feel smart when I do something without making any mistakes52

I prefer to work on tasks that force me to learn new things53

I try hard to improve on my performance53

I have enough expertise to do perform my job responsibilities54

I view training as the way to improve my capability to perform my current job tasks55

I view training as the way to improve my future career options55

I find the training courses very useful56

The training contributes to employees` understanding of organisational procedures and rules57

Training helps me to work in teams57

Our company have dedicated people who deal with training issues58

Organisation stimulates employees' learning59

Last training session and the focus of the training activity61

Chapter 4: Discussion62

The enablers of training and development62

Learning environment and employees' motivation to participate in training64

Adequacy of training and development activities67

Chapter 5: Conclusion69


Study Limitations72



Chapter 1: Introduction


According to Harrison (2005) in latest years, numerous expert associations outlook human resources as assets other than liabilities. Organizations have arrived to identify that human resources have a centre competency of the organization. This change is part of the forces of change in macro-factors. The introduction of new technologies like Internet and wireless Internet has distorted the boundaries between personal work and at home. Today, 24 / 7 accessibility, despite of the place travelled to, it became widespread perform for the enterprise community. There are possibilities for example the development of virtual task groups and the introduction of flexible employed practices. Consequently, new obligations for the development of training and development strategy have emerged.

The thesis searched to analyze the adequacy of employees training and development schemes of the Customs and Excise in the future. If previous, objectives and organizational standards were the major criteria for assessing the adequacy of (Wilson, 2005). The present balance of forces the association to address discussions inspiring force and the one-by-one desires of employees.The thesis devotes a very broad overview of up to designated day literature. Critical written check of several delineations best features the complexity of training and ...
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