Training And Development

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Training and Development

Training and Development

Description of Concrete Experience

Subtopic 1: learning theories

The study of learning has yielded various learning theories that are categorized into different paradigms. In my job I learned various things:

Manages sales activities of establishments.

Directs staffing, training, and performance evaluations to develop and control sales program.

Coordinates sales distribution by establishing sales territories, quotas, and goals and advises dealers, distributors, and clients concerning sales and advertising techniques.

Assigns sales territory to sales personnel. Analyzes sales statistics to formulate policy and to assist dealers in promoting sales.

Reviews market analyses to determine customer needs, volume potential, price schedules, and discount rates, and develops sales campaigns to accommodate goals of company.

Subtopic 2: assessment of organization's needs

Specific responsibilities include:

Employee hiring, supervision, and scheduling (7-8 staff)

Selecting, buying, handling produce

Staff training and education in produce

Overseeing all operational activities

Responsible for overall appearance of the store including displays and promotions

(works with Head Cashier / Grocery Buyer as well as Assistant Produce Buyer)

Subtopic 3: definition of program objectives

As part of the merger and new business strategy, it becomes necessary to reorganize the company to accommodate both staff and create new sales teams. To determine the staffing needs of the sales department it also becomes necessary to evaluate the sales position. Since the business strategy has dramatically changed, the sales position has dramatically changed as well. New job analyses and workforce plans need to be created and new teams selected.

Subtopic 4: selection of methods and materials

To study job analysis the standard methods available are job performance, observation, interview, critical incidents, and structured questionnaires. Each method has different strengths and limitations and when used in conjunction are a powerful set of tools. For the purpose of this job analysis, I believe that job performance, observation, and interviews are the appropriate methods. The analyst performs the duties of the position and documents the skills throughout the experience in a job performance study. In observation, the analyst observes employees during the normal course of their work. Interviews with employees consist of each employee answering the same series of questions. However, interviews can produce skewed results if “employees feel suspicious of interviewer's motives” and this should be a consideration when analyzing the information. Structured questionnaires are time consuming and expensive to develop as are critical incidents. The timeline for the launch of the new service is within the next “90 to 180 days”. I believe if more time were available that structured questionnaires would be a good method.

Subtopic 5: identifying and utilizing needed resources

Experience in a similar environment

Excellent communication skills

Five years management experience

Ability to work independently

Experience buying from regional farms and wholesale markets

Ability to think critically and understand sales data

Passion for produce, food and cooking.

Must enjoy working with people, customers and staff, as well as produce.

Subtopic 6: evaluations and revision

Using job analysis, it was determined that the following main job duties and specifications in the new department. Communicate effectively with both external and internal customers delivering clear concise product, compliance, and training information ...
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