Time management can be defined in many ways depending on the task and individuals. Our group defines it as a daily balancing act.
All of our lives have many priorities we all have to accomplish daily before school or studying even can occur. Every day our lives give us many task and challenges that we must take on daily to maintain our families and succeed. Such as, 1.) The daily chores that are part of being a member of a family. 2.) Our Job, no matter a full time, part time, or a stay at home parent. 3.) Study time for school and homework. 4.) Family time, this can be playing with your children or caring for your elder relatives or parents. These four challenges are many of the things we have to do each day and are a necessary in our daily lives. However, all of these have possible opportunities to gain some daily time to study. We also all have the challenge to overcome the pleasures in life such as watching TV, playing video games, and social activities that are fun and relaxing but, are not usual productive in relation to our school work and daily schedule.
When it comes to managing our time better we have identified several strategies to improve the success rate of completing our daily tasks outside of school while still managing to maintain a level of daily study time. This is something that can work for anyone today, a celebrity, a businessman/woman, a mother, and even a student. Though we all have different lives we all agree on the idea of a weekly schedule. We feel that if we have a list of all the housework, family time, and school work that needs to be done, this will keep us focused on what we need to accomplish each day. We also feel if we prioritize this list, it will help us to complete our duties for the day in order to be successful in school while still keeping a happy home and job. Time management is seen as one of the hardest things for college students these days but, we feel that with knowhow and a good list anyone can be successful.
Developing a daily task list can provide us the daily structure we need to stay on track with studying and school work. Also, we can better utilize our daily time schedule to complete these tasks and this can often allow us all to have some time to ?party? or socialize with friends and family. We all agree that we each like to ?party? in many different ways. For some of us partying is having a couple of drinks with our spouse. Others of us think partying as another job or can sometimes become a daily task when trying to accommodate your friends and families social needs.
Ultimately partying has to be done. We all need a little social time no matter if it is spending time playing with your children, visiting with ...