The Paradox Within, And The Logical Limitations Of, Scientific Inquiry

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The Paradox within, and the Logical Limitations of, Scientific Inquiry


Modern science, using logic as a tool for knowledge is often hampered by theoretical contradictions or the contradictions of the theory of experience. This may be due to incorrect axiomatization of theories, logical fallacies in the construction of judgments, the imperfection of currently available scientific methods or lack of precision of the instruments in the experiments. The presence of a paradox to stimulate new research, better understanding of the theory and its "obvious" postulates, and often leads to a complete revision (Simpson, 769). Examples of paradoxes in science can serve as Russell's paradox, a paradox Banach - Tarski, Garai paradox, a paradox Smale, Hausdorff paradox, EPR paradox.

The paradox in the logic - it is a contradiction, which has the status of logically correct inference, and at the same time, which is the reasoning that leads to mutually exclusive conclusions. The logical error of the paradox, in contrast to paralogism and sophistry is not detected until the imperfections of the existing methods of logic. Differ in species such logical paradoxes like aporia and antinomy. The logical paradoxes that put into question the logical-mathematical and the very foundation of scientific method in the past century promoted a deeper reflection on the meaning of scientific methodology and its rationale. Too many paradoxes surrounding the theory and research design, imagine, or rather remember the coexistence of aesthetic waste large commercial, or urban centers high society with the ugliness of suburban invasion, the exuberance of the closed sets against weakening of the public, the increasing availability of information with the deterioration of education, satiety iconography to the impoverishment of experience, spreading codes with the loss of meaning (Chung, 77). There is a paradox about the character of scientific work, so passionate and so full of suffering. The suffering, of course, is not of the brutal kind that so many poor and enslaved peoples of the world face, but grudging, plodding work day after day.

The limitation is on the human mind, including the minds of almost all scientists and academia non- scientists who call themselves scientists but are merely teachers of memorization. The modern scientific fad asserting that nothing exists unless it can be proved by science is one such limitation. Science and Christianity had held discordant views and opinions about creation, about humanity, and even about what is ethical and morally right. To some, science has become a religion, and the ultimate goal of the scientific process is to challenge the belief that God is present and that the bible is wrong however, much has been gained from science in terms of how it has developed a process for the discovery of new knowledge (Bochvar, 3). As a Christian counselor, the scientific method of research should be used as a means of verifying the Scriptures from which we base our counseling philosophy. It is the role of the Christian counselor to practice his /her faith, and be able to influence others to do the same.

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