McInerny, D. Q. Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking. Aug. 2004. 160p. illus. index. Random, $19.95 (1-4000-6171-7).
Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking by D. Q. McInerny is a very good alternative for an introduction to logic. There are a number of causes why this makes a large first text. First, it is in writing plainly. The scholar is presented to ordered concepts without being bogged down by jargon or cumbersome mechanical language. Second, the concepts flow easily and routinely from the rudimentary to the complex. The ascent is stable and stepwise and it just makes sense; it doesn't “drop” the book reader when inserting new concepts. Third, its little dimensions (160 pages) is just right for an introductory text. It is a very manageable, lightweight, and readable text.
McInerny organizes the publication into five parts: 1) Preparing the Mind for Logic; 2) The Basic Principles of Logic; 3) Argument: The Language of Logic; 4) The Sources of Illogical Thinking; and 5) The Principal Forms of Illogical Thinking. Each part has several mini-chapters considering with its specific elements. This makes the primary reading seem “bite-sized,” and the subsequence scans and reconsiders fast and helpful.
The content is straightforward: the benchmark bases of logic. At the risk of overemphasis, although, the production and flow of the content actually makes this outstanding. Part four inserts an component of critical conceiving, and possibly introspection, as it agreements with the causes of illogical thinking. The author's register encompasses skepticism, evasive agnosticism, cynicism, naïve optimism, narrow-mindedness, and emotion. Part five is a benchmark remedy of ordered fallacies, starting with prescribed fallacies, then on to casual fallacies.
Whether considered as a research, an art, or a ability and it can correctly be considered as all three reasoning is the cornerstone of our proficiency to believe, investigate, ...