The Impact Of Customer Relationship Management (Crm) On The Quality Of Service In The Hotel Industry: A Case Study At Sofitels Hotels In Mauritius

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The Impact of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on the Quality of Service in the Hotel Industry: A case Study at Sofitels Hotels in Mauritius


Table of Contents



3.1Target Population2

3.2Sampling size and method3

3.3Sampling method3

3.4Justification of sampling3

3.4Data Collection Method3

3.5Rational for selection of questionnaire as research method3


3.7Reliability and Validity of research instrument (questionnaire)4

3.8Estimation of validity of the questionnaire5

3.10Data Analysis Method5

3.11Ethical issues related to research5

3.12Problems and limitations of the study7



4.1 Findings9

4.2 Discussion9


5.1 Conclusion19

5.2 Recommendations20

5.3 Implication22


Chapter 3 - Research Methodology


A number of studies showed similarities between definitions of customer value and customers' perceived service quality, though these are not identical. Falque (2007, 227) build a link between customer value and service quality perception. They suggest an importance of understanding customer value from consumers' entire span of consumption experience. Hiller (2009, 18) explains about the consumption experience in more detail. They argue that all factors, if possible, that are related with consumers' purchasing experiences should be considered in order to understand what perceived customer value is to the customers.

It means customer value should count not only a product itself but also a whole process of purchasing environment that one has been through. As is customer value, the nature of service rests upon intangibility. Because of its characteristics, it is difficult to measure, test, or verify. Brodie (2009, 518) also point out that what a firm wants to objectively deliver and a consumer re perceived service quality might be entirely different in labour intensive industry due to heterogeneity of service delivery from various skilled personnel (Brodie 2009, 517-33).

If the performance exceeds the standards or expectations, then increase in satisfaction is expected. And if the performance is less than the standards (expectations), decrease in satisfaction is expected. Positive or negative disconfirmation results when customer relationship management deviates from the standards. Disconfirmation is thus expected to affect consumer satisfaction. Customer relationship management above the set of standards (positive disconfirmation) increases customer satisfaction and customer relationship management below the set of standards (negative disconfirmation) in which customer satisfaction decreases (Barnes 2004, 18).

In alignment to augment a structure for deeming replication obligations grounded upon service worth ideals, it is first very required to re-evaluate the enclosures of study in that field. Research on service worth is to some span present with much of the work being submitted since the mid 1980s. Among the mainstream service worth investigators are Barnes (2004), who are best renowned for their SERVQUAL apparatus, a scale for analyzing the worth of a service firm.

Service worth is an international judgment, or mind-set, pertaining to the superiority of a service. It is distinct from customer commendation which is concerned only to a lone transaction. Since services are mostly intangible it is only in all prospects to believe in gaps of a personal put concurrently, discerned service quality. Barnes (2004) claim that discerned service worth can be analyzed by the discrepancy between the customers' insights of the demonstration of the service firm and their anticipations of ...
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