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Nassauer Hof Hotel

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Nassauer Hof Hotel

Executive summary

In Order to remain more competitive on a global scale, often companies today are deciding to globalize their markets by taking their businesses to outside countries. Successful implementation of products and services into a foreign market requires the business to conduct a necessary analysis of all the risks involved and create any applicable strategic plans addressing these issues.

SWOT Analysis, is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the Hotel Nassauer Hof and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective. Nassauer Hof Hotel confronts the issues affecting the performance of his luxury independent hotel, which include increasing competition and declining occupancy. The team considered options including franchising, joining additional consortia, and converting some rooms to long term rental apartments. In view of the strong competition from international branded hotel chains and the changes taking place in the external environment. Target is a great fit with our brand and this is a win-win for both companies and the customer.

Table of content

1. SWOT analysis of Nassauer Hof Hotel4





2. Primary market segment open to Nassauer Hof Hptel9

3. Market mix employed by the Nassauer Hof Hotel12





4. Strategic options15


Nassauer Hof Hotel

1. SWOT analysis of Nassauer Hof Hotel

Nassauer Hof Hotel - SWOT Analysis examines the company's key business structure and operations, history and products, and provides summary analysis of its key revenue lines and strategy.

Hotel Nassauer Hof in Wiesbaden, Germany is one of Europe's few remaining Grand Hotels and an established business and conference hotel. This opulent Wilhelmian structured hotel, centrally situated in Wiesbaden, near Frankfurt and the German Rhine Valley, is a luxury hotel of the highest order. The hotel presents itself after the redecoration in a completely new style where during your stay you can enjoy our facilities in a Mediterranean ambience. A SWOT simply stands for: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Each area forms a box on a grid and you fill in each section to help formulate a marketing strategy.

SWOT Analysis, is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the Hotel Nassauer Hof and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective.

The aim of any SWOT analysis is to identify the key internal and external factors that are important to achieving the objective. SWOT analysis groups key pieces of information into two main categories:Internal factors - The strengths and weaknesses internal to Hotel Nassauer HofExternal factors - The opportunities and threats presented by the external environment

The internal factors can be viewed as strengths or weaknesses depending upon their impact on the Hotel Nassauer Hof objectives. What may represent strengths with respect to one objective can be weaknesses for another objective. The factors include all of the 4Ps; as well as personnel, finance, manufacturing capabilities, and so ...
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