The Essence Of God

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The Essence of God

The Essence of God


From the very beginning man has tried to fathom the unfathomable (His existence), reach the unreachable (the cosmological), and explain the unexplainable (God's omnipresence and awareness). Man (the creation) is constantly seeking God's essence to comprehend man's ultimate purpose of life. However, when there are far more questions than answers, man turns to human logic and reason as a means of explaining God instead of turning to God. This is religion.

The essence of God was manifested for this very reason to make known what was unknown, and to reveal His essence and plan to a fallen creation so that through Him the world might be saved. The Holy Spirit is that ultimate expression of God's complete oneness that was left as a guide, comforter, and teacher to reveal His full and complete essence to man; unconditional love.

I. Essence in Creation

From the very beginning man has tried to fathom the unfathomable (his existence), reach the unreachable (the cosmological), and explain the unexplainable (God's very existence). Man (the creation) is constantly seeking out the creator for his ultimate purpose of life. He seeks out answers to anthropological and moral issues in a world full of questions and doubts. The answers or arguments to our questions show that there is an order to our universe. If there are cosmic and moral laws in place, then there must be a law giver who put those laws in place. Laws don't just form by themselves. This law isn't bound to culture, race or country. People have an inner knowledge of right and wrong. This is not something that is taught with, or limited to a specific group of people. Like a little child that is told not to get dirty and does it anyway and smiles, everyone has it built into them to obey or disobey this law. This law is God's law. When there are far more questions than answers, man turns to logic and reason as a means of explaining God instead of turning to God. This is religion.

All major religions in the world today such as the Muslims, Mormons, and Hindus say they offer equally valid paths to God and boast in the fact that each one of us has a right to worship in any manner he chooses, however with this logic and reason come pride, conceit, and contention. For no one knows the thoughts of God but God and God alone. God created us so that we can live with him forever, but because we commit sins we are separated from Him. This forms a barrier between us and God. We break God's laws and fall short of his standards, for we are sinners by nature, by practice and by choice. Man tries to bridge the gap and falls short.

B. Essence over Creation

The Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence belong to the Divine Wisdom by virtue of Divine Love, but not of Divine Love by Divine Wisdom, is a secret ...
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