Mind and body live, while God is conceived by our brain.. Body is the essence and brain is a function of the body... Only universal spirit that is God exists... Mind is the first... No, body is the first... Neither, God is the first... So on so forth. Here we will illustrate compare and contrast the opinions of Descartes and Berkeley on the interaction and relation between the two corners of the triangle: Mind and God.
Descartes proves God exists
Descartes, by using his unique method of farthest question tried to find a basic truth, information that he could be certain about. As a result he was sure that he, as a doubting thinker, should exist. This easy assertion was a revolutionary armor against extreme skepticism. Here, he does not try to prove to others that he (Descartes, as a brain) exist. But he forces the extreme sceptics to accept their own reality as an unavoidable consequence of their very doubt.
Ironically, we glimpse this exceedingly cautious Descartes embracing the other two interrogated notion that is God and body. He uses the rock-solid knowledge about his mental reality as a verification for the reality of God, and then uses the existence of God as a verification for the existence of personal world, or body.
He proposes two reasons for the reality of God.
1. Though, he proves the reality of self, yet, he can not accept this questioning finite self to be the guarantor of its own existence. thus, his reality desires a Creator. This Creator should be a Conserver too, since the continuity of created beings desires the continuity of the starting power.
2. He assertions that having the concept of "Infinite flawless Being" needs the unaligned reality of that idea. To him, having the concept of infinity without seeing such a thing suggests the reality of God. Since finite self can not develop the concept of infinite being, the concept should come from somewhere, from Infinite Being himself.
Then, he inserts God as a dependable warrant for our concepts about the external world or body. "If God is perfect, which he is, then our ideas must be clear and distinct. God won't deceive us while we are endeavouring our best." Descartes considered that God created material matter with geometric properties. therefore, in Cartesian doctrine, the sequence of verifying the existence of ...