An individual and the company have to go through a whole process while recruiting. There are certain requirements and necessities that are there for getting employed in the teaching career. In this we will be looking over there criteria and requirements that are designed by the HTLA that is the Higher Level Teaching Assistants and its there requirements when hiring the faculties for the teaching department whether it be coordinators, teachers or assistants.
Job description
The job description of HLTA for there teachers are specifically stated before they hire the teachers. And they have designed there program that will help in raising standards to manage EAL throughout the school and promote educational achievements. There description involves delivering high quality teaching skills according to their practices that can create better communicating relations between the students of English as additional language. The coordinators are required to perform the sensible duties that are designated. There role towards the EAL students is very important in contributing towards the development of these students and they should make sure that they are efficiently supported and no chances are left for errors. They should brainstorm their students that will help in diagnosing the needs of these students and should bring it in concern of the authorities to get the issues solved. This will result in positive assessing and evaluation of these students to bring up quality education. That shows that these teachers are practicing good skills (Cole, 2002).
These teachers should always focus on enhancing their capabilities by using different methods that can make their connection stronger by preparing and evaluating their material through which they provide education and not stay attached to the old materials and should also try new effective methodologies that can prove to be effective in this learning process. They should at all times follow the school policies of that result in contribution to development. But these job descriptions keep changing according to the changes that take place in the policies in order to keep improving the quality of education (Cole, 2002).
Person specification
Specification of the teachers while appointing them is considered hugely because they are responsible for producing higher level education to the students who need extra care and attention. They should have excellent knowledge and understanding of English so that they can practice it with the EAL students. They are suppose to have technical skills that can support them implementing and applying to their teaching methods that result in development and should use different resources during their teachings so that they can understand better and especially the examples that are used from their cultures. They should have been assessed for EAL system and must have passed all the levels of English language achievement. Higher consideration will be given to the teachers who are bilingual and are able to connect better with these bilingual learners.
In order to get into the system of HLTA they should have all the knowledge about the latest English as an additional language. So that they are able to ...