There are some subjects in our education that are mandatory and compulsory to learn. Science is one of the same subjects, however, people may change their discipline according to their interest but they encounter with science. It becomes difficult for the students as well as their instructors to make them learn science. Science is the wide spread phenomenon and it cannot be separated from any field. The word science is attached to every field for example management science, social science, and computer science. It is also a fact that science has brought various changes in the lives of people. The science has always revolved around us and the basic schools were also related to the teaching of some natural phenomenons like tree, plants, sun, moon, earth, sea, animals, etc. In the 1800, the proper science education started as the cities started becoming urban. In 1960 the curriculum was made properly for the science education and models.
This scientific literacy mean that the vast most people have knowledge scientific and technological skills needed for daily life, help solve problems and health needs and basic survival, take awareness of the complex relationships between science and society and, ultimately, to consider science as part of the culture of our time. Rationally, the education of science should contribute to achieving these objectives with the understanding of knowledge, procedures and values that allow students to make decisions and perceive utilities both science and its applications in improved quality of life of citizens as limitations and negative consequences of development.
Education of science is a set of disciplines that study, describe, analyze and explain educational phenomena in its many aspects. The education is a complex phenomenon that takes place in all areas of society in which different disciplines are involved in the Social Sciences and Humanities (Marzano, 2007).
It is necessary to educate the non science students about the basic aspects of science and its impact on the humanity. Learning to use the time is crucial for students and professionals. Non-Science students need help in learning to effectively manage their time. The allocation of time in a realistic way is even more effective learning for non-science students and effective teaching for faculty. As institutions define time expectation for student, faculty, administrator and other professional employees in the similar manner one can set the level on the basis of high quality learning for all. It is in learning to expect more, and gets well, and more. High expectation is significant for everyone for the inadequately prepared, for those who want to put on a superior impression, and those which are clear and well motivated. Non-Science students are expected to perform tasks well become a self fulfilling prediction when a teacher and an institution holds high prospect for them and make extra effort (Gabel, 1994).
Non-Science student needs to have an appropriate advice on performances to take advantage from the science course. When receiving the education of science, student needs ...