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Blind Faith vs. Informed Faith7


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The Nature Of Good Versus Evil


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the nature of good vs. evil. This paper discusses the affective knowledge of God with respect to Bible. From birth, we listen and learn different terms that make daily use of which lends it to different situations. Two of these terms are good and bad. We normally use these two words as having a life. For "good" one embodiment there is widespread in the world: God. On the other hand, "evil" is personified by Satan. But do these words mean that there is indeed a real and significant bias embodied in two characters is opposites as God and Satan? Usually if, something good happens or consider any action as worthy of being rated as good, it is automatically attributed to God. But this is merely an abstraction necessary for many in that it allows one to separate actions of others (Alsdorf, p. 90).


The problem is that when grouped concepts by artificial systems, and in this case, highly subjective, there is a risk of biasing the different natural and social events, making only a dangerous confusion.

Since time immemorial, man was gradually creating imaginary beings in an early stage, representing the nature and other beings then covering needs and allays fears. With this, they were gradually attributing human behaviors and characteristics to these beings.

In a third step, these beings were used to handle large masses of people, that is, for political and power (Schadewald, p. 283).

But obviously, every new phase remained almost intact its earlier stages and this become evident when we see what the concept of God or Satan today: beings of different but complementary ways have been and are used to maintain a general order among nations and in small social circles (Longstaff, p. 350). These are things that give comfort or provide punishment eternal beings that still represent the very nature because they can be found and associated with any living thing or existing on our planet. But as it is God who is good, had to be a counterpart: Satan.

And this pattern can be seen in different cultures throughout human history. Each culture is good in one or more gods and evil, in many others. Now, the religious concept of good and evil is absolute, i.e., sharp and well defined borders. And this is the big problem.

The religious concept defines the good as the things that God has commanded us to do, and evil as those without. This is based mainly on books like the Bible, Koran and others.

Of course, that parents love is good, and is something nobody can deny. And he says in the Bible. But approving slavery or revenge is something that is universally considered a bad thing. However, the God of the Bible commands those two things (Pride, p. 543).

As we can see, the religious conception of good and evil is very subjective and highly contradictory.

Again, there are so many variables ...
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