Sunni And Shia Muslims

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Sunni and Shia Muslims

Sunni and Shia Muslims


The paper is very well written to explain the differences that are present between the shia and the Sunni Muslims. Although both of these believe in one God, that is Allah and follow most of the basic Islamic beliefs and the articles of faith. The differences in these two sub groups within Islam did not emerge due to spiritual differences, but the reasons were political.


The paper very explicitly explains to us about its origin and the question of leadership. It gives us details about how the division amongst the Sunni and Shia Muslims has its roots in the period of the death of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). When he died, the question was that who would take over after him. Abu Bakr, who was a close friend and an advisor to the Prophet Muhammad, became the first Caliph of the Islamic nation; he was selected according to the beliefs of the Sunnis that the leader who would be elected should be capable of the job. Even the word 'Sunni' means one who follows the traditions of the Prophet.

But there was a group of people, who believed that the leadership should have been passed on to someone from the family of the Prophet (PBUH) only, that is, Ali bin Abu Talib should have been appointed the leader, who was the son in law of the Prophet (PBUH) as well as his cousin.

The paper mentioned that the Muslim community constitutes twenty one percent of the population of the world. It failed to mention that out of this twenty one percent, eighty five percent are Sunni Muslims. Shia Muslims are a minority who are mostly in Iraq, Iran, Bahrain, Yemen, Lebanon and Syria.

Because of this question regarding the political leadership, some of the factors of the spiritual life ...
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