Strategic Choice And Evaluation Paper

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Strategic Choice and Evaluation Paper

Strategic Choice and Evaluation Paper

The Best Value Discipline

Following are the different kinds of disciplines from which, an organization can select the best alternative discipline, after identifying the one that would prove to be the best one for their organization.

Operational Excellence

The characteristics of this discipline are: "Low prices and free service." Operational excellence is about business processes of the company. Consider a company dedicated to selling supplies. If you choose to handle the discipline of operational excellence, you will provide low prices and free service. In order to provide the free service, we have a structure and procedures that support such delivery. You must do the work right the first time, no errors, so their costs are low enough to reduce their prices. Its operations must be governed by strict procedural manuals, so that the company works as a machine. The company must rely on all the technological tools serve to perform the tasks in less time or more. How about a company computer courses in this discipline? Can you imagine how would it be? It would give short courses at the best price and with maximum effectiveness. Would design a method of instruction, and a handbook with which his instructors could move quickly (Fowers, Blaine, 2008).

Leader of Product

The characteristics of this discipline are: "focus on products that exceed the limits of performance." The company that opts for this discipline should always be at the forefront of the market. The organization must be constantly generating products or services on end. Creativity is an essential component for the performance of these businesses. Two other important features are: ability to rapidly commercialize new products or services and how to overcome his last service or product. Their plans are short term in reference to the service or product, since the medium term, this will be off the market. It focuses on the invention and product development and market exploitation. Structures must be flexible. How about a company that install networks? You should install only high-performance networks, the latest in technology (state of the art). If the market is at level 5, you must be installed level 8 (Fowers, Blaine, 2008).

Customer Privacy

The characteristics of this discipline are "giving customers what they expect a specific". Seek to develop a long-term customer, rather than achieve operations with him. Always give customers more of what they need. It focuses on the process of generating solutions for customers. Give empowerment (empowerment) to employees who are close to customers. It is dedicated to provide specific solutions rather than general. The classic business customer intimacy is the service. If you sell maintenance contracts, maintenance contracts can be designed to suit their customers. It would be with support team, without support, with immediate change, with updates at the time of failure, including software and so on. The limit is your imagination, or rather that of his client (Fowers, Blaine, 2008).

Generic Strategy

There are three kinds of generic strategies that any organization can look into and select ...
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