School Violence

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School Violence


In this research we try to discover the perception of “School Violence” in a holistic perspective. The most important focus of the study is on “School Violence”. The study also investigates several characteristics of “School Violence” and aims to gauge its outcome on “Society”. Finally the study explains a variety of factors which are responsible for “School Violence” and tries to illustrate the overall effect of “School Violence” on “Children and Society”.

Table of Contents




School Violence


School violence has emerged has one of the most noticeable and dangerous dilemma of our society. School violence has created major concerns since the last decade as the number of violent incidents which occurred in schools all around the globe. School violence still isn't recognized as a major threat to the society as the statistics are not too loud. Violence in schools has increased a great deal in the last 10 years and now governments all around the globe are taking necessary actions to prevent and overcome this serious issue which is hurting the world. Violence in schools is clearly hurting the educating environment of our educational institutes and a sense of fear are now among the parents and the teachers. Schools are now being considered unsafe due to the increase in incidents related to violence at schools and educational institutes.


Conflict and violence have always existed in all wakes of life. The presence of difference in opinion and thoughts is a social learning tool but the problem is that violence has become unacceptably proportional, especially in school. Violence refers to all forms of aggressive attitudes which are intentional and repeated with no evident reason. The phenomenon of school violence is now a global concern and on the agenda of every civil society. The society has been undergoing significant transformations. Schools are supposed to be core ...
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