Same-Sex Marriages

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Same-Sex Marriages


In this study we try to explore the concept of “Same-Sex Marriages” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Gender” and its relation with “marrying in their own orientation”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “gay or lesbian marriages” and tries to gauge its effect on “child development and growth of people”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “the adverse effects of same-sex marriages” and tries to describe the overall effect of “such marriages” on “the brain development and upbringing of these people”.

Table of Contents


Articles on Same-Sex Marriages4


Thesis Statement4

Gay Marriages: An insight to the bond4

Why marry the same gender?6

Effects on Children: The future of tomorrow6

Children require a mother and a father9



Articles on Same-Sex Marriages


In today's world of modernization and futuristic belief, matrimonial relationships among boys (gay marriages) and girls (lesbian marriages) is considered appropriate. The thought that provokes when discussing gay marriages is generally uncomfortable, placing the generations-our brood and offspring-at risk of developing disastrous and disturbed mental patterns. This paper encompasses exactly what and how are gay marriages made to impact and affect the minds of children. Gay marriages have very recently gained excessive promotion and practice in recent days. In primitive times, anyone and everyone would consider homosexual marriages as a sin, considering it simply out of question.

Thesis Statement

For this paper, our thesis statement shall be “Highlighting the factors responsible for problems prevalent in same-sex marriages”.

Gay Marriages: An insight to the bond

A gay marriage is defined as a social, cultural and a legally practiced token of unison between similar genders all around the globe. Looking back in time, you may witness and find several examples that will help you understand and see how and why do people of the same gender prefer and do marry one another.

According to psychological surveys and research, people marry one another from love, support and above all, physical satisfaction. Gays and lesbians usually have a fear of being distorted and misused by the members of the other sex, making them fearful and scared of approaching them, which in turn provokes them to move to their own gender of origin and marrying their 'gender' of choice.

Looking back into history, several examples and illustrations of men bonding with men and women marrying other women have been spread all across the books of yesterday. The gay-marriage issue has been prevalent for a long time period, but had not become a priority intending and legalizing gay marriages across the globe.

Although considered a sin or even made a potion of laughter and humorous notion, there are several countries and states around the world, that have assured, inspected, scrutinized, offended, marched against, and ultimately accepted the notion of gay and lesbian marriages around the West world, although the many parts of the East, especially the Arab world and the Asian Peninsula, covering the Gulf region, still consider it a plague working at large and a menace that should be removed with application of strict, rigid and ...
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