Same Sex Marriages

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Same Sex Marriages

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Same Sex Marriages


A relation of mutual trust, understanding, reliance, and interdependence, marriage is a socially acceptable form in which two people affirm and assert themselves to each other. It is more than a natural sexual desire and urge, though it is a complementary aspect of matrimonial relations. It is a relation of deep understanding between two partners and supporting each other through crests and troughs of life.

As we mentioned prior, it is a socially acceptable form of relationship, it is usually accepted socially and culturally as a bond between people of opposite sex, i.e., a male and a female. Almost all the societies and cultures of the world see marriage between a woman and a man as normal and natural, whereas same sex marriages are looked down upon by almost all cultures. Same sex marriage refers to matrimonial bond between two people of the same gender, i.e., a male-male or a female-female relationship.


This school of thought is not considered appropriate and gay marriages or same sex relationships are not much commonly acceptable mode of behavior in society. The argument which the opponents of the same sex relations place is that this mode of behavior disrupts the whole normal system of the society and is a posed threat to the normal union of people of opposite gender (Feigen & Brenda 2004, pp.53-90, Para: 1). They say that gay unions demolish the traditional family organization where a male is supposed to marry a female in order to expand the family, and if legalized, this would dislocate the entire traditional way of living and union.

I oppose to this thought that gay unions weaken the family system, whereas I believe, it is the lack of trust, mutual understanding, compatibility, honesty, and acceptance that ruins the family composition. If these factors exist in same sex marriage, then no one can weaken that relation. It is the lust, greed, and sexual desperation which damage the family, if strong bond of love and care exist then no one can create obstacles in that relation, be it a bisexual marriage or a homosexual one (Cahill 2004, pp.3-10, Para: 2). People search for partners for support, care, love, and sexual desire, but the psychologists have conducted several studies and the results reveal that people opt for partners of same sex out of fear of exploitation. Also, it is added that this is something which comes naturally with genes and is not shaped due to environment and surroundings (Bos 2004, pp.109-112, Para: 4).

And secondly, not legalizing such relations does not in any case mean that we are stopping such relations to occur. So to say that homosexuals and same sex marriages are a hurdle and pose a threat to traditional family values and organizations is absolutely wrong, because not legalizing or accepting is not in any way curtailing such relations.

Many countries of the world have though legalized the homosexual marriages but even now widely this system is not practiced and ...
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