Sales And Selling

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Sales and selling

Sales and Selling

Selling is a wonderful profession when approached ethically? constructively and helpfully. Selling is a wide subject? covering many selling methods? sales theories? models and sales training methods. You can use this information as a self-teaching aid to develop your own sales skills? to teach others? or to help you identify and choose suitable sales training courses programs and providers for yourself? for your team or for your sales organization.

Accurate assessment and forecasting of retail electric loads is often outside of the wholesaler's core competency? and this is why our services are valuable to energy companies selling bulk supplies to energy retailers. REBO understands retail load forecasting? and we have successfully worked with a number of bulk power suppliers to improve their ability to manage wholesale-to-retail electric loads. In particular? our temperature correction equation sets will significantly improve the accuracy of most load forecasting systems. What's more? we can provide top-to-bottom load forecasting system development and improvement services for those providers that lack these capabilities. By utilizing our expertise and experience? you can build the capabilities to profitably and reliably expand your services in the wholesale-to-retail market. This means that you have left value on the table? as retailers are doing work that you should be doing for them.

Wholesalers providing credit support to energy retailers may rely on the retailer's assessment his margin and risk profile? usually because the wholesaler does not possess adequate understanding of retail loads to make this assessment themselves. Just as overpricing can reduce your competitive position? not accounting for specific state regulatory or utility business rules can increase your risk and put you in a position of providing products or services for which you have no capabilities. The present note and a companion note focus on issues related to asset decumulation? specifically on the asset meltdown hypothesis (developed in the companion note)? recent changes in pension fund asset allocations? and the suggestion that there is scarcity of suitable investments for financial intermediaries whose liabilities consist mainly of long-term regular and fixed payment promises. In discussing the latter issues? a key proposition is that financial institutions are most willing and able to offer decumulation products with fixed payment promises to the extent they are able to invest in financial assets that allow them to hedge a considerable part of the risks associated with the payment promises they extend. Indeed? what is sometimes overlooked in discussions about shifts from asset accumulation to decumulation is that the decumulation phase also involves investment challenges? especially if specific patterns of payouts such as regular payouts of fixed amounts are aimed at. Contrary to what one might expect based on standard life-cycle considerations and as reported anecdotally in the financial press for specific pension plans? moves from equity to bonds and especially government bonds are not yet borne out clearly in the aggregate data (even if slight moves appear to be taking place in situations where equity allocations had been previously very ...
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