Response Prompts Reagan's “a Time For Choosing"

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Response Prompts Reagan's “A Time for Choosing"


While working for General Electric, Reagan wrote his own speech. When he worked at the White House, he had his own speechwriters, but the words that are written by them, edited the Reagan and when he has time - wrote their own speeches. Ronald Reagan is one of America's most perplexing presidents. Some see him as a detached and distracted former actor who charmed his way into the world's most powerful office. Others say he was uniquely gifted with an ability to cut through complexities to the essence of issues and, using extraordinary communication skills, able to mobilize social support for noble causes. Some see him as a president who stoked the Cold War; others see him as the president wise enough to know how to end it.


Reagan's desire to actively participate in public life led him to the union actors. It happened back in 1941, while serving in the army. By 1947 the ninth year Reagan was president of the Screen Actors Guild is America. Being in the union Reagan actively cooperated with the FBI, telling the names of supporters of communism. Reagan believed in the desire of Communists take over the entire American film industry. The future president was an active and staunch opponent of communism and fought entirely with the movement (Morris). In the early 60s Reagan was the representative of General Electric Company. He went to the factories of the company and made speeches. Around this time, Reagan began to take an active interest in politics.

Initially, Reagan was in the Democratic Party, but later changed his views and in the early 50s he joined the ranks of the Republicans. In 1964, Reagan gave a famous speech, Time to Choose, in support of presidential candidate Barry Goldwater, which marked the beginning of his political career. He peacefully defeated Communism, though in controversial ways. He fulfilled all of his duties as president to the best of his ability, and maintained a high-approval rating (Reagan, Skinner, Anderson & Anderson). The economy grew due to a revised budget and a decrease in taxes, and the unemployment rate decreased during his presidency. His speeches were motivational and portrayed America in a favorable light. The legislation that he passed benefited almost all Americans. Reagan always worked in the best interest of the American people, and for this, he should receive a grade of no lower ...
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