Researching Motivational Activities

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Module 2: Researching Motivational Activities

Researching Motivational Activities

Motivational ActivitiesMotivational Activities Bandura's and Gardner's Work

Motivational activities are important for the students as helps the students in learning different things. The website that is offers various motivational activities that play essential and vital role in the learning process of students.

The motivational activities on the website include team building, team development, conferences etc. In addition to this, all of these mentioned activities involve various other motivational activities that help the students in the learning process. The Bandura's and Gardner's work in relation to the website that is is beneficial for students learning process as it is helpful in the social learning. The social learning known as vicarious learning, observational, imitation, modeling or social-cognitive learning, this learning based in a social situation in which at least two people involved the model, which performs a specific behavior and the subject that makes the observation such conduct; this observation determines learning, learning as opposed to knowledge, social learning, the learner does not receive reinforcement, but that this case falls to the model, here the learner makes in imitation of behavior that gets reinforcement.

Albert Bandura, consider the theory of behaviorism with emphasis on experimental methods which focuses on variables that can be observed, measured and manipulated, and that rejects anything that is subjective, internal and not available (in this method the procedure is to manipulate the variable and then measure their effects on others) was a little simpler for the observed phenomenon (assault teenager) so he decides to add a little more to the formula. He urged that the environment causes behavior, but behavior causes environment as well, this defined by the name of reciprocal determinism. The world and the behavior of a person cause one another, and from he began to consider personality as an interaction between three things:a) The environment.b) The behavior andc) The person's psychological processes.


Motivation is also important component to Bandura's social learning theory and related to self-efficacy. Bandura believed that motivation was often cognitively generated and affected by casual attributions, outcome expectations, and cognitive goals. Casual attributions mean that a person with low-perceived self-efficacy will assume that a task was not successful because of his or her low ability whereas a person with high self-efficacy assumes that a task's incompletion resulted from other factors such as limited effort and unfavorable circumstances. One's expectation of an outcome influences whether someone will be motivated to pursue the task. People with low self-efficacy will doubt they can succeed and are likely not to pursue the task and think little of the consequences. Therefore, outcome expectation influences implementation. Reflective thought about goals influences what goals to undertake, the amount of effort required, and how long to persevere in attempts to achieve them. People with higher self-efficacy are likely to set motivating goals for themselves and expect favorable outcomes. They strategies about how to overcome obstacles and place responsibility for failures in factors that are controllable.

The motivational activities that are team building, team development and conferences, in view of Bandura's and Gardner's work; it is important and essential ...
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