Questions And Assessment Strategies

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Questions and Assessment Strategies

Questions and Assessment Strategies


Oral questioning is one of the most commonly used and oldest methods employ by teachers for evaluation of the growth, knowledge and overall competence of their students. Contrasting to the approach of written exam, it supports oral proficiency and quick on ground thinking. The method of oral evaluation also abolishes or eradicates the possibility of cheating, which sometime used by students. This allows teachers the command for instant assessment of the level of growth, knowledge and overall competencies of their students. The following discussion will present three oral questioning strategies and will align each with objectives of the study and objectives of the students.

Basic Oral Questioning

Fundamental oral questioning take place in a group setting usually engaging the entire class, or sudden pointing out an individual member among class room to furnish answer. This type of oral questioning will help students in developing understanding to differentiate the instruction provided by the teacher, while at the same time it will help in the meeting individual needs of diverse student populations (Ralph, 1999). In this form of oral questioning students' knowledge, procedures of knowledge acquisition along with several other factors will be measured with on spot responses. Despite the fact that, this factor is the main component of the evaluation system, fundamental oral questioning's responses does not count in the final exams. This is the reason for not widespread adoption of the stated method as sole criteria for the determination of the capabilities, knowledge and competence of students (Ohio State Univ, 1984).

Oral Examinations

Oral examination serves very identical purpose as of basic or fundamental questioning, however unlike oral questioning; oral examination take place in one to one setting. In this method, students are expected to provide answer of every question asked (Ohio State Univ, 1984). This will help teacher in not only measuring the impact of class room teachings on individual needs of diverse population, but will help in the application to differentiate instructions. The purpose of oral examination is to measure the knowledge, attentiveness, comprehension of the students. Based on the answers of the students, results are declared. In oral examination a teacher interacts directly with its students in one to one conversation while the responses are graded usually by the teacher on the basis of personal understanding (Ralph, 1999).

Oral Boards

Oral boards refer to process of evaluation in which students responses to different queries are evaluated by more than one teacher. A panel or two or more than two teachers designated to evaluate the students' responses are known as oral boards. Oral boards after evaluation of competitiveness and comprehension declare students as pass and fail. For diverse students, this methods helps to keep the process of oral judgment transparent, but it usually complicate the method to differentiate instructions (Ralph, 1999).

Oral questioning certainly has several advantages and disadvantages. Most common are the different listening capability of students, whereas, some students are shy or not confident enough to appear before a panel of ...
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