Proposal On real Estate Marketing

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Proposal on

Real Estate Marketing



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Background of the Study1

Aims and Objectives2


Research Questions2

Limitation of Research3


High Property Prices4

Property Market Trend5


Research Design6

Research Method6

Literature Search7

Qualitative Research7




Background of the Study

In UK, the word for the real property has been curtailed to just property. The real estate market is referred to as the market for the purchase and sale of properties are being done, directly or indirectly through brokers.

According to the experts, the international buyers have activated the property market of United Kingdom; the outlook of the market is strong enough. From 2000 to 2010, the activities of the UK real estate has been grown at the average growth rate 6%. This increasing trend is because of the increasing demand of the real estate services and housing. In 2010, this market has been reached 199 billion and this market is expanded by 76% during the period 2000-2010. The major buyer in this market is mainly households; the households have the dominant market share of around 70% during the past years (ATIS, 2002, p.48). The household spending has risen by 6% annually; this figure is an average of the preceding years. This rising trend of household is because of the higher lending rate and the rapid increasing the real estate property value.

In United Kingdom, the local real estate service providers' turnover has been increased since 200 by 85%. The UK sector of letting own property remains to be the primary source of income for the industry, containing 68% of the local earnings in 2010, and having grown by 65% since the beginning of the period. The fees obtain by the real estate services adds value in the local revenue of UK. These real estate services are as following:

Selection of site,


Assistance in obtaining permits etc.

Since 2000, these services generate around 32% of the local revenue. If there is any mismatch between the property demand and supply, then it creates undersupply. This undersupply leads to the decrease in the residential new orders and the credit crunch. Since 2000, the UK prices of houses have been representing the fastest growth trends.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of this research study is to find out the booming trend of real estate marketing in UK and the current issues face by this market. Other aim is to find out the reasons for the booming trend of the property market.


The significance of this study is that the researcher can get to know the booming trend of the UK property market and its ...
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