Research Proposal on Customer Satisfaction in Real Estate
Table of Contents
Combing Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches2
Combining Methodologies3
Arranging Information3
Integrating Findings3
Reasons for choosing mixed approach4
Data Collection Methods4
Concurrent Design5
Sequential Design5
Sources of Information for Research7
Gantt Chart8
Ethical Issues in Research10
Research Proposal on Customer Satisfaction in Real Estate
Customer satisfaction is achieved when the product or service offered to them meets their expectations. The assessment of a product or service is the measure of a customer's satisfaction. In the service industry emotional responses can play an integral part in determining a person's choice. The quality of service in the industry is important as it is rapidly and continuously changing with time. In this case I would suggest integrating both qualitative and quantitative research. Quantitative research aims to study the data in the form of numbers whereas qualitative research focuses on words. The quantitative data can be analyzed statistically and can help in gauging, modeling, and forecast behavior and relations (Hentschel, 1999)). This is essential as it relationship and behaviors are an important aspect of the real estate jobs. An agent relation with the client is essential in influencing the choice of purchase or rent. Qualitative methods are specifically applied to a social strata and it covers the statistical inference on generalizing results. It gives a more in depth analysis of the issue at hand (Booth, 1998). Qualitative methods use techniques such as observation, interviews, group discussions and focus groups. Open ended questions are used in this method to measure perceptions and view, allowing more comprehensive analyses of cause and effect relations. Qualitative data collection methods include focus group, observations and open ended survey questionnaires. Quantitative data collection methods include survey, closed ended questionnaires and structured interviews. Research studies combining both the qualitative and quantitative data collection types have become prevailingly common as the information gathered complements each other.
Combing Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
If both the Quantitative and Qualitative data are being used, it is important to consider the comparative advantages of both and to recognize their strong points (Appleton and Booth, 2005). While the quantitative approach produce the data that can help in forecast and describe relations, qualitative data can investigate and interpret those relations. The three best approaches described by Carvalho and White (1997) are:
Combining methodologies for better data collection
Arranging information in order for better analyses and providing quality information
Integrating findings for better action, providing new perspectives to the study.
Combining Methodologies
Qualitative approach helps in getting what areas the research should cover and determine variables of study. It differentiates what information can be contextualized and what can be generalized. Observations from both qualitative and quantitative methods assist in identifying sample and sampling frames. Analysis through qualitative methods helps in appropriate grades to the measurement labels such as gender and age.
Arranging Information
Arranging can allow studying, interpreting, and enhancing the information from one approach to another for better results. Qualitative study determines hypothesis of study and this can be further studied through quantitative research. A qualitative study is carried out as sub-group of a larger quantitative ...