In this assessment I have been asked to explain the need and importance of good communication skills when working in the community services (aged care) industry. I will document the key points in the following areas:
The communication process
Why communication is such an important aspect of the carer's role
Being an active listener
No-verbal communication
The communication process at a basic level is the sending and receiving of a message between two different parties. This two way process can be broken down into three areas:
Verbal - which are spoken or written words
Non-verbal - which is the use of the body, such as facial expressions; or the environment , such as a private place to talk
Graphic - which can be drawings, diagrams and symbols
Which process you choose to use to communicate your message can affect how that message is received. This means that for the message to be effective in its meaning between the two different parties the message must sent between the two parties with the minimum of 'noise'.
Noise in the communication process can be anything that interferes with the correct understanding of the message, that the receiver receives the message as the sender intended it.
Therefore the carer must be aware at all times that when communicating to clients or other staff that the communication process is a two way process that can be varied in the form that it is sent and that interference can cause misunderstanding of the meaning of the message.
The importance of communication in the carer's role is a critical aspect. This is because we need good clear communication to develop interpersonal skills that lead to building relationships with clients and co-workers. Having a strong relationship with clients and other staff members enables you as a carer to have a better understanding of what their needs are ...