The world in which we are living is full of the issues like war, conflicts, arguments and various other issues that can play a vital role in the destruction of peace. In this era talking about peace or positive peace is difficult. In today's world there are very few people who possess the guts to talk about the issue of peace and creating positive peace. This paper talks about positive peace from the perspective of Ivie and practice of Shalom. This paper provides a brief account of the Ivie's approach of positive peace in terms of different events that are taking place or that have taken place in the world. This paper aims to describe the implications of the concept of positive peace in the real, actual and practical world. This paper also talks about the practice of Shalom. Ivie was the one who develops the concept of Shalom but if we take into account perspective of Jews in the context of interfaith and intercultural then it would revealed to us that Jews belief prescribes to actually live our lives according to the practice of Shalom. This paper provides a comparison and contrast in the ideas of Ivie's concept of peace and Shalom and the idea of Jewish to practice Shalom. This paper talks in the favor of positive peace and also describes this concept in the context of the need of fair war.
Positive Peace
Before indulging in the discussion it is imperative to understand the concept of positive peace and Shalom. Positive peace is a reduced level of direct violence and a high level of justice. The aim of positive peace is to bring social harmony, equality, justice and, therefore to bring the radical change in society. Positive peace is the real peace, one concept that we must build a concept that is opposed of not only of war but also to any discrimination, violence or oppression that prevents a development of the people and their achievement should try it on all orders life: the social and educational space.
Positive peace is a concept of the Norwegian peace researcher Johan Galtung, which he developed around 1971. This refers to a peace that exists not only in the absence of international violence, but in the absence of structural violence. This theoretical approach has had its repercussions in terms of politicians like Erhard Eppler: "Peace policy means that one tries to eliminate the causes that can lead to a war" and Willy Brandt: "Not is conflict. Where there is hunger, is not a permanent peace we will have to decide to break with ritual traditions: Who wants to outlaw war, must also outlaw the hunger ... "(Speech before the UN General Assembly in early October 1973) (Galtung, 1967).
Galtung was of the opinion that the concept of positive peace is associated with the concepts of social defense and non-violent action associated. Peace as a mere prevention of war by leaving nuclear deterrent safeguard. Social defense could only afford a company stand behind ...