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Relying on other people's ideas is perfectly reasonable, indeed inevitable, when you are writing academic essays, but you must acknowledge the borrowing ( You must, as an ethical obligation to other writers and as a protection for themselves, to recognize all the loans you take from other sources, even if you do not copy the exact words used in the original-even if you never actually quote the original. Plagiarism includes:

Quoting material without attribution. The most obvious form of plagiarism.

Giving the other ideas as one's own, even if it was changed. Changing the wording of the original cannot avoid plagiarism. The basic idea of plagiarism unrecognized borrowing ideas, rather than specific words.

Imitating the structure of a passage or argument without attribution. Let the source is approval and three data points. If we assume that the structural features, including specific examples or supporting points, you need to provide a quote with the original. This is true even if you substantially revise the wording.

Hiding the extent to which you took from the text or other source. Referring to the specific passage in the work does not give you a license to build on other work without the quotes. This can be a nasty form of plagiarism because it's so sneaky.

Usually you do not need to bring a friend or well-known facts or general statements. ( for example, Shakespeare was born in 1564 or Mark Twain is widely regarded as the greatest American humorist.

Quoting the names of the author and the work and provide sufficient bibliographic information to the reader to track down the source. Sometimes students fall into the plagiarism because they do not know about the standards for scientific citation.

Reasons for plagiarism among students

The first thing that contributes to plagiarism among students is teachers themselves, who do not make them aware ...
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