The perception of the world around us is made ??through a complex network of mental responses learned and maintained by cultural factors (cultural code, beliefs, language, religion, values) and individual (emotions, self esteem, personal experiences the academic knowledge, and intuition, prejudice and physical health). It is the interrelationship of these components that shapes and guides the perception of the world, and therefore, how we internalize each external situation. Such an assembly is also called the filter of perception. This largely determines the level of well-being; this is what brought the attention. In other words, we live a life (we are experiencing) directed by all components of this filter. Learning, experiences, judgments, and feelings that we experience daily, are dictated by the latter, who dictates what is right or wrong, true or unreal, important or trivial. It is our "reality" in some way. The collection is made ??up of many factors grouped into two parts: collective or cultural factors and personal factors (James, 2006, 78).
Cultural Factors: Cultural factors refer to collective factors determining the perception of the world, a community such as language, beliefs, religion, tradition, taboos, and prejudices.
Within the same company, there are many cultural subgroups. Individuals of all these shared values ??or a shared vision are there in the world (sometimes in a different culture in which they operate).
Personal Factors: Personal factors refer to the factors determining the perception of the world peculiar to one individual. The same factor may nevertheless be both collective and individual. This applies to certain beliefs including that what a successful life is in the same society. The problems begin when these collective beliefs go against our spiritual nature. It must then draw from us the strength and wisdom to recreate a world in promoting our development.
It goes without saying that the filter collection involves many complex factors and determinants for a worldview, which changes depending on the environment and over time (Siegel, 2005, 12).
It should be noted that the creation of this filter is an unconscious process that begins in earliest childhood. The child acquires the "way forward". He likened his system of values, self-esteem and basic beliefs about good and evil. These components evolve according to the periods of life, but the fact to note is during childhood the individual has a general perception of the world. Recognition of his way of thinking and all that hinders its growth becomes a major step to liberate the limits that experience has imposed on his spirit and his daily life.
Despite, it engenders cohesion within a group, culture, and mostly, constitutes the main obstacle of evolution. We become judges of the ideal of others in believing that our truth is the only valid one. We close the opportunity to flourish while sharing it with others. During difficult periods of our personal history, it is sometimes very difficult and even impossible to interpret objectively what is happening and have a broader perspective of the ...