Personal Effectiveness

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Personal Effectiveness

Personal Effectiveness


When doing a meaningful job a person deals with his professional self. This paper examines some initial facts, self-assessment and personal effectiveness which are required for better opportunities. It helps in understand work situation to determine a person's strengths and weaknesses and to derive suggestions for further action.

Intelligence, imagination and knowledge are essential resources, but only the efficiency can turn them into results. Effectiveness is doing the right things to achieve the objectives. However, efficient actions lead to useful results.

The analysis of the consequences of inefficiency, observation of behaviours of effective and ineffective people helped in understanding a number of practices that can serve as guides in improving personal effectiveness at workplace.

A key method to increase self-confidence is a personal SWOT analysis. This technique is also used in the business administration and aims to ensure strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an object or person at a workplace.

The acronym SWOT stands for "strengths", "weaknesses", "opportunities" and "threats". It is used in the context of strategic decisions in the business world in order to evaluate business ideas, businesses or whole industries and to simply summarise and analyse results in a clear structure. However, the same SWOT analysis can be used for the training of self-awareness and self-promotion.

General Self - Efficacy

My general self efficacy level is average. I have excellent problem solving skills. I take oppositions and criticisms as a challenge, and act positively to achieve what I want. Most of the times, I am quite sure that I am capable of accomplishing my goals.

Uncertain situations or unexpected events are however my weak point. I might act very efficient in certain unforeseen situations, or I might even collapse in another unexpected event. It depends on the situation or event that how I would react. However, I am quite sure I can survive any unforeseen situation, managing the event efficiently is depends upon the event itself (Rogoff, 2003, Pp. 36).

I am a resourceful person. I can solve any problem if I try hard enough to solve it. Difficulties are a regular part of life, I am able to face the difficulties as and when they come in my way. For every difficult situation or problem, I am able to come up with several solutions. This is what makes me capable of getting out of troubles safely. My strengths make it possible for me to handle anything that comes in my path to success. Difficulties or problems can only make my journey more challenging or lengthier. At the end of the day, I am able to grab the success or accomplish the goal, despite the problems and situations.

Perceptual Structure

My need for a perceptual structure is also that of average. I am the type of person who makes a plan but doesn't necessarily stick to it. I like to have things roughly organized. However, I always am open to new experiences and change. I don't like too much chaos, but I also don't like to be stuck in a ...
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