Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control is responsible for providing and coordinating essential animal services to the citizens of Palm Beach County, their companion animals and other stray, unowned, domesticated animals following a disaster and to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the public and animals before, during, and after a disaster.
Guidelines provided in this document are to be utilized when conducting animal service activities related to a disaster. This SOG provides guidance to personnel who have an interest in emergency operations related to animal services and outlines how the Animal care and Control Division will coordinate its disaster response and recovery within Palm Beach County.
The division shall serve as the primary contact at the Emergency Operations Center for animal related issues. The division is the main communication point with the state ESF-17 function. The division shall maintain a directory of all available animal related resources within Palm Beach County, as referenced in most recent ESF #17 CEMP. The division shall coordinate mutual aid and private vendor resources needs to requesting parties within the county. The division shall; assess animal needs within the county, identify and coordinate equipment and supplies, coordinate the supply of animal food and medicine, develop and release advisories and information.
The division will provide and/or coordinate the provision of services relating to animals including rescue and capture, transportation, medical assistance, housing or sheltering, pick up and disposal of deceased animals.
The division will respond to citizens in danger of injury from aggressive animals as well as animals in danger of injury from careless owners, the general public and the elements resulting from a disaster.
The division will coordinate the operation of the Pet Friendly Shelter designed for the citizens of Palm Beach County residing in evacuation zones/mobile home parks.
Animal Care and Control will administer, manage and operate disaster related services using the Incident Command framework. Attached is an organization reflecting the division's disaster structure?
Incident Commander - Division Director has overall responsibility for all areas of administration, management and operation related to a disaster. This function is supported by a Public Information Officer, Field Operations Liaison and Assistant Director.
Logistics Chief - This function is responsible to oversee and address issues related to communications, supplies, facility needs; this function is responsible for requesting supplies and equipment as identified. The Logistics Chief is responsible for communicating and coordinating with other section chiefs.
Planning Chief - This function coordinates and gathers information from sections chief and assist with strategically planning for supplies, equipment and personnel deployment. The Planning Chief is responsible for routinely and regularly updating and maintaining directory and staff contact information.
Operations - This function maintains all operations related to field operations and shelter operations during a disaster. This function will ensure the management of tactical operations directly related to the event, identify resource needs, request additional resources and supplies, communicate with incident command and other ...