Hospice Of Palm Beach Country

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Hospice of Palm Beach Country

Hospice of Palm Beach Country

Executive Summary

Hospice of Palm Beach County is a not-for-profit organization, which was founded in 1978. This company provides care for anyone in need, no matter their insurance or financial circumstance. They have many highly trained employees and caring volunteers who work to make this program excel. Hospice uses a special approach in caring for people who come to them. Hospice care is comfort-oriented. They specifically care for the terminally ill patients and their method of caring stresses palliative care. Palliative care is the relief of pain and uncomfortable symptoms. Hospice takes care of the patient and also provides services for the patients' family. They address issues pertaining to physical, psychosocial, emotional, spiritual, and bereavement needs of the family and/or caregiver of the patient.

Research Proposal

This study was about promoting evidence-based practices in Hospices. It was meant to examine a versatile arbitration to advance the adoption and continuation of evidence-based practices for carcinoma pain care, but it brought up an even more important issue: documentation. A key factor in the hospice setting is documentation, which supports consistency and quality patient care. In this paper, the importance of documentation will be discussed. Mistakes such as medical errors within will be the main focus of this research paper.

Before going forward with this proposal, people must be cognizant of the key facts of medical errors. “A medication error can be defined as any event that can be prevented and may result in or convey improper medical drug use or the maltreatment of a person being treated for a medical problem while the medical drug is in the hands of the medical professional, patient, or client. Such occurrences may be related to expert procedure, medical layouts, process, and systems, including prescribing; order transmission; merchandise labeling, bundling, and classification, combining, dispensing, allocation, administration, education, analyzing, and use."(National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention, 1998)

This paper will discuss the structure and process of facilitators and barriers to managing error. The end goal of this research proposal is to develop a project for hospice that will describe the concept in the Hospice setting. This will include different methods that Hospice administration can implement to prevent medical errors. This proposal can help establish a much needed practice standard for medication management.

In the duration of less than a century, medical work has changed from individual healers within a 'cottage industry' to a highly complex health-care division of labor surrounded by huge industries. Health care now dwarfs in size such industrial giants as steel and automobile manufacturing and, in most Western countries, spending on health care is in the range of 8-9 per cent of national GNPs. In this progression, physicians have become involved with large institutions, private and public.

General History of Hospice

The Hospice of Palm Beach of County was founded between those eras of growth in 1978, as a not-for-profit organization. It has provided care for nearly 70,000 patients along with their families since its ...
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