Next Generation Network and Telecommunication Application
I would like to thank to my first supervisor Dr. Daniel Cunliffe for supporting me throughout my project and giving his valuable suggestions. I would like to thank my second supervisor David Farthing for his external support during the project. I would also like to thank Dr. S.K.Chakravarty for collecting the primary data on my behalf. Finally thanks to all my friends for their support.
Table of Contents
Questionnaire Findings2
Goods and services16
Mobile communications industry in India17
Competition in the mobile communications industry in India18
The consequences of unfair competition18
Come forward for the emerging companies - Indialink19
Telecom Policy Environment28
India's Telecom Regulatory32
A: India's telecom scenario. Departments32
B. National Telecommunication Policy (NTP)33
ITRC, its environment and the final decision-ray36
Reconsider the scope of a judicial, but the end ITRC38
Service in India38
Telecommunications market environment39
Conclusion and Recommendations43
Chapter # 6: Results and Findings
Advances in Next generation Network technologies (Zeichner 2006 A1) have become advantageous and commercially reasonable for Communication Service Providers (CSP) who are now in a position to provide batter services to the customers. The services include data services such as Broadband Internet Access, video services such as Video on demand, IPTV or live streaming and the voice services for example VOIP. So these have led to a new era of business model and generates both profit and revenue, plus a happy and satisfied clientele. Next Generation Technology can perform multiple network functionalities in a single layer that's the big advantage of IP telephony system and it does also reduce the number of network layer to deliver services.
The technological advancement (8 EL 2008 2) of convergence network is given a new space to the way of business and introducing different kind of experiences to run their communication infrastructure in recent years. Because Next Generation Network (NGN) is offering more efficient, cost effective, functionally rich and resilient networking experience. Next generation network is coming with a large scale of advantages and its offering to both consumers and the service provider. So basically, NGN is based around Internet Protocol (IP) technology which allows efficiently in transmission of voice, data and media over a single network infrastructure that is helping to deliver a number of business advantages with a marginable total cost. However, NGNs are required a few components such as lines, routers, hubs, and switches that's why its reliable and cheaper to run, as carriers are able to offer equipment and network economies of scale by investing in high-end equipment and capacity.
Questionnaire Findings
In fact, the mobile communications industry in India has six mobile phone operators, including five procedures and sixth, Warid Telecom, is expected to begin in April 2007 (Rahman, 2007) process. Although some new industrial development is far more hard-line evaluation of other business as market-oriented business strategy, faster (Yusuf and so on., 2006). India's mobile phone industry in January 2006 the unemployment rate from 120 per hundred to the present, as more and more from 108 thousand to 22 million users in 13 ...