After testing the republican government with the Convention and the Directory of France returns to the absolute rule with the Consulate and the Empire: it is, again, as under the monarchy, the government of one man, Napoleon Bonaparte, first consul and emperor.
1. Bonaparte, First Consul, is absolute master of France
Bonaparte, First Consul, was the true and the sole master of France, much like the King before 1789.
The government of France is still the Republic, but in fact it is the monarchy. "Citizen First Consul" is a true sovereign, whom he only needs the right to bequeath his power to his heirs the right, he will get by becoming emperor.
The French gladly accept this return to absolute rule, they were tired of revolutionary disorders; they felt the need for a strong government, a strong man: they cheered Bonaparte. Their confidence will not be disappointed. The First Consul immediately began the reorganization of the country.
2. Bonaparte gave France a simple organization and sustainable
The National Constituent Assembly had divided France into departments and departments in municipalities, but she had made a big mistake leaving meetings or citizens elect the task of administering these new divisions. The judges themselves were chosen by voters. As expected, most of these directors thought rather than seek re-election well managing the business entrusted to them.
Bonaparte understood that directors must be independent of their citizens. He chose men honest and competent. It was one of his great qualities that have been able to distinguish the value and merit of his assistants.
3. The formation of the contemporary state
Everything was to reform, remake, so to speak, from the troubles of the Revolution, which had failed to replace the institutions it was abolished. Bonaparte gave France an organization so simple and so strong that all successive governments since the empire and have kept it still lasts.
Upon taking office, he was active in reforming the administration, justice, finance, and gives the country a religious peace through the establishment of the Concordat.
Administrative Organization
Bonaparte kept roughly the territorial divisions established by the National Constituent Assembly, but he did administer the departments, districts, he created himself, and municipalities, by the prefects, sub-prefects, mayors, not elected but chosen by him, and assisted by a general council, a borough council or a council for financial affairs. The prefects were informed about all things by the sub-prefects and mayors, in turn, they reported to the First Consul of what was happening in their departments, and through them, Bonaparte took over the administration of all Country.
To render justice under the law and not by the voters, Bonaparte himself appointed judges. He placed one in each district magistrate in each district a criminal court in each county criminal court. Above the county court, there were courts of appeal in some larger towns, and in Paris there was the court of cassation.
To facilitate the study and knowledge of laws, the ...