This paper discusses a short biography of Napoleon Bonaparte. It details out some of the significant features of Napoleon's life. Firstly, his early life, military conquests, the rule of French Empire is discussed. The paper highlights the impact of Napoleon's leadership and administration on the French empire. Finally, the reasons for the French decline and the legacy following Napoleon's death is also mentioned.
Biography of Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte is one of the great emperors and military leader of history. He strived to remake the map of Europe and establish government. He brought successful constitutional reforms, but the ongoing battles led to the French downfall. His early life was not charmful, and he faced many misfortunes but, ultimately Napoleon changed the face of warfare from the sport of rulers to patriotism. He established various political, educational reforms in France which are out of the scope of this paper. He is considered a great motivator and leader. His inspirational skills provided him an edge over other rulers of that period. Not many people had such a significant impact on the history. Napoleon is ranked along with leaders such as Alexander and Genghis khan. He was an autocratic leader and dictated the terms which brought modern reforms to the French empire. He was ruthless and tactical at the same time. His impolite behavior made the marshals carry his orders but unfortunately, did not make them how to act themselves. This caused various disastrous including the Waterloo and Napoleonic wars.
Napoleon believed in government for the people, but he rejected the idea of government by the people. His empire was the state of police comprising of chiefs and police. His policies crush any act against his policies. The ct=criticism on his government was not taken lightly. Despite all these regulations he was the leader loved by the French and was considered as their reformer and restorer of the modern French empire.
Early Years
Napoleon was born on august 15, 1769, in Ajaccio. He was the fourth child to the Bonaparte family. His father was the member of a noble Italian family and was in good terms with the French.
Napoleon began his education at a boy's school in Ajaccio. He entered the military school for aristocrats at the age of ten in 1779. Later, he was transferred to the college of Brienne, which was another military school. At school, Napoleon was mocked by other students due to his lower social standard, and because of his poor French. He earned the name of corporal because of his small height. Napoleon received exceptional education despite all the bully and teasing. Later, when his father died, napoleon took the responsibility of the home.
Napoleon received the title of second lieutenant by 1785, but he frequently visited Corsica. In 1807, he took part in the struggle of supporting forces of Pasquale Paoli, who was a leader in the independence of Corsica. When Paoli succeeded, he became against Napoleon and his family. He forced them to return back to ...