One of the great emperors in the history of military leadership there come the name of Napoleon Bonaparte. He did a get job in revamping the traced lines on the map of Europe, and developed a government. Napoleon put forward some constitutional reforms which lead to a successful government, but the French downfall occurs due to the fact that lots of battles are fought in a row. Napoleon had undergone many difficulties during his early life; he succeeded in changing the view from the rulers sport to the patriotism. Similarly in his life he has been fortunate, and succeeded in developing and creating several reforms that encompasses reforms like political, educational reforms in France.
Throughout his career, Napoleon considered himself the heir to the French Revolution and also a child of the Enlightenment. As such, his heritage of key enlightened universalisms, particularly “the brotherhood of man” and “neo-classicism or pseudo classicism,” 845 started “him on his way to greatness” and influenced the evolution of his cult of great men.846 In a conversation with Jean Charles Léonard de Sismondi (1773-1842) around the time of the abdication at Fontainbleau, Napoleon described himself as “the child of the revolution” who “owed all his greatness to the emancipation of France from its ancient servitude.”847 Did Napoleon see himself as the continuation of the Revolution? He denounced the violence of it, comparing the September Massacres and other bloody pages in its history with the Inquisition.
There were not many people, who had such a significance as Napoleon had, people use to consider Napoleon as one of the most influential and most courageous leader of that era, due to his skill of inspiring and persuading the folks and the mob, he had that edges over other leaders and ruler who were there in that similar era, during his tenure. He was an autocratic leader and dictated the terms which brought modern reforms to the French empire. He was ruthless and tactical at the same time. His impolite behavior made the marshals carry his orders but unfortunately, did not make them how to act themselves. This caused various disastrous including the Waterloo and Napoleonic wars.
Napoleon has a very firm believe in government which serves for the people of the country under a democratic reform, but later he refused and had an opposite idea of the government by people. Napoleon's empire consists of the state of police which includes chiefs and police. High volume of criticism been taken into consideration on his government, despite lots of discrepancies he still been liked by the people of French and they considered him as their reformer and restorer of the French empire.
Thesis Statement
Napoleon proved to be an extraordinary administrator. One of his significant achievements was the revision of the French constitution and code. The codes incorporated some of the people friendly laws for instance, the religious tolerance one of the codes known as “code civil” is still practiced ...