Motivations For Tourism

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Motivations for Tourism

Motivations for Tourism


The paper discusses about the concept of motivations in relation to the tourism. It focuses on as to how the motivational factor plays a part for people to go for tourism and holidays. The paper enlightens the idea of motivation and tourism and discusses as to how motivation impacts tourism. The paper also provides an argumentative aspect of the importance of motivation on the tourists for chosing tourism as one of the best available means of leisure. It then aims at comparing two different theories of tourism motivations including the push-factors and the pull-factors. The paper also attempts to deduce the practicality of the fact behind the motivational factors that drive people to opt for tourism.


The term 'tourism' and 'a term that implies and includes a number of different situations and classified according to multiple parameters. But among all the possible classifications that most 'extensive and' that which relates to the motivations of travel (Pizam & Mansfeld, 2009). Of course, trying to explain the motivations of people and 'an extremely complex task, both for those who study motivation in general and for those who study it in relation to the scope of tourism (Holden, 2005). Tourism, and movement in general, can 'be represented, from the psychological point of view, according to their motivations for moving (Woodside, 2008). The first variable determinant of travel, of moving from one place to another, and 'own voluntary one of the behavior in this case, tourist, ie' the one concerning the reasons of the individual to implement that particular behavior (Pearce, 2005).

In general, motivation is considered a subjective state of need perceived by the individual as a deficiency that leads the subject to find an object that can reduce or eliminate this negative state (Pizam & Mansfeld, 2009). Tourist experience combine various motivational aspects that may be contradictory to each other: there are people in search of rest and relaxation, others who are looking for transgression, and others who want to escape from the hectic daily routine source of stress (Holden, 2005). Motivation and 'a concept much more' broad that certainly includes the intention, but also other factors, it is in fact forces, needs and attitudes of the individual, and 'therefore internal, dynamic and continuously evolving (Pearce, 2005). Among the main "forces" that drive motivation to travel, there are the physiological ones, which cover the body, health, sport, the leak, which lead the individual to escape from the stressful routine of daily life; the interpersonal, who consider such activities 'social contact with other people, those psychological, that meet various internal needs of the person (relaxation, peace, entertainment, etc); and the cultural ones, arising from the desire to visit places of historical or artistic interest (Johnson, 2012).

These are the main issues that emerged from the multiplicity 'of studies over the years and have tried to identify what motivates an individual to search for travel. The study of motivation to tourism are derived, in general, from the most 'important and influential psychological ...
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