The Ford Model T was an automobile that was manufactured and sold by the renowned automobile company Ford, which was headed by Henry Ford between 1908 and 1927. The Model T was launched in the historic year 1908. This is when the cars entered the era of mass (the United States). It is generally regarded as the first car accessible to the greatest number, which "put America on wheels". Henry Ford innovated much in the production of the Model T: the assembly line, rather than individual manual (although Oldsmobile had introduced this method earlier for the Curved Dash), salary proportional to the price of the car for the workers, so they give themselves a guaranteed market. On August 12, 1908, at the factory of Ford Motor Company in the U.S. city of Detroit, founded five years ago by the industrialist Henry Ford, went on sale the first Ford Model T, a two-seater vehicle for the general public. Ford hoped, with Lizzie (name that was soon to be known), that the car ceases to be a prerogative of the upper classes and to become a subject of widespread consumption. Hence, the new model was designed for the masses and that everything in it was practical and simple. From simple design and low cost ($ 850), Ford Model T allowed easy driving compared to other cars of its time. Equipped with a four-cylinder engine, the Lizzie was a vehicle of limited power and average speed, but was thought to enjoy a long operating life. Moreover, it can also be said that the arrival of the Model T car by Ford in the year 1908, hugely impacted the automobile industry. This is said because of the fact that Ford Model T was the first car that was put on the Assembly line, and it was only after this that other automobile companies also started implementing the Assembly Line system of production at their factories for the purpose of manufacturing automobiles. This paper focuses on the study and analysis of the impact it the arrival of the Model T car had on the automobile industry through out the history, and how it was influential in changing the ways, processes and the methods in which things were done in the automobile industry.
Thesis Statement
The arrival of the Model T car through the usage of the Assembly Line method of production hugely impacted the automobile industry and helped in introducing the conept of mass production, and as a result changing the ways, processes and the methods in which things were done in the automobile industry.
Impact of Model T Car on History and On the Way Things Were Done
The first Model T rolled off the production of Piquette (Detroit) on the 27th of September, 1908, and was the first car that was mass-produced using the assembly line technique of production. The Model T was designed by Henry Ford, Charles Harolde Wills ...